Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Government Gone Astray

Gather around my friends as I spin a sad tale!!

Possibly our future Government definitely not at work.

Clinton says husband would be ambassador

Ex-president's popularity would be leveraged to help with U.S. image

Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday that if she is elected president, she would make her husband a roaming ambassador to the world, using his skills to repair the nation's tattered image abroad.

"He has said he would do anything I asked him to do. I would put him to work."

Although former President Clinton was impeached after an affair with a White House intern, he remains a very popular figure in much of the world and is considered an effective diplomat.

"I'm very lucky that my husband has been so experienced in all of these areas," said Clinton.

Wow, double dip on paychecks and interns as well as getting him out of the house - what a sweet deal for them both!!!

Our Government at work:

Wiccan symbol OK on military headstones

Families of fallen soldiers reach settlement with Veterans Affairs

Roberta Stewart looks at the veterans memorial wall in Fernley, Nev., in March 2006, when she was fighting for the right to put the Wiccan symbol on a plaque honoring her husband, National Guard Sgt. Patrick Stewart, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2005.

The VA sought the settlement in the interest of the families involved and to save taxpayers the expense of further litigation, VA spokesman Matt Burns said. The agency also agreed to pay $225,000 in attorneys' fees and costs.

The pentacle has been added to 38 symbols the VA already permits on gravestones. They include commonly recognized symbols for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, as well as those for smaller religions such as Sufism Reoriented, Eckiankar and the Japanese faith Seicho-No-Ie.

"This settlement has forced the Bush Administration into acknowledging that there are no second class religions in America, including among our nation's veterans," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which represented the Wiccans in the lawsuit.

And the VA was fighting this for what reason? Another government debacle and waste of taxpayers' money!!!!!

A follow up to a subject I touched on my Wednesday 4-18-07 post.

Our Government not at work:

U.S. food inspectors overwhelmed by imports

Billions of dollars' worth of foreign ingredients slip by without safety checks

Billions of dollars’ worth of foreign ingredients that Americans eat in everything from salad dressing to ice cream get a pass from overwhelmed inspectors, despite a rising tide of imports from countries with spotty records, according to an Associated Press analysis of federal trade and food data.

Because these oils, spices, flours, gums and the like haven’t been blamed for killing humans, safety checks before they reach the supermarket shelf are effectively the responsibility of U.S. buyers. As the pet deaths showed, however, that system is far from secure.

Over the past five years, the AP found, U.S. food makers prospecting for bargains more than doubled their business with low-cost countries such as Mexico, China and India. Those nations also have the most shipments fail the limited number of checks the FDA makes.

1 percent of shipments checked
By its own latest accounting, the FDA only had enough inspectors to check about 1 percent of the 8.9 million imported food shipments in fiscal year 2006. Topping the list were products with past problems, such as seafood and produce.

“I don’t ever remember working on ingredients,” said Carl R. Nielsen, a former FDA official whose job until he left in 2005 was to make sure field inspectors were checking the right imports. “That was the lowest priority, a low priority.”

“You don’t have to be a Ph.D. to figure out that ... if someone were to put some type of a toxic chemical into a product that’s trusted, that could do a lot of damage before it’s detected,” said Michael Doyle, a microbiologist who directs the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety.

Demand spiking with changing tastes
Doyle sat on several federal task forces studying threats to U.S. food security; while they discussed ingredients, he said, their findings are classified.

So just like most things our Government has done since 9-11-01, they formed task forces to study the potential problems but have not enacted any of the findings regarding safeguards.

All the political parties are guilty. They study things to death. It's a typical ruse to give us all a warm and fuzzy feeling, but they never implement any of what they find because it might upset the delicate balance we have with some other nation!

Oh yes, and after we spend all that money and time studying the issues, do we the public see the results? No, their findings are classified.

The following propaganda is what the Government and big business want us to believe:

In 2001, the United States imported about $4.4 billion worth of ingredients processed from plants or animals. By last year that total leaped to $7.6 billion — a 73 percent increase. Other food and drink imports rose from $38.3 billion to $63 billion — up 65 percent.

No single reason explains the increase. Profits are one factor; changing consumer tastes play a role, too. There’s a growing expectation that seasonal products will be available year round, while immigrants may hanker for familiar flavors and others want variety.

So U.S. food makers head overseas, where labor-intensive ingredients can be cheaper to produce in low-wage countries. They’re not expensive to ship, either, because they’re relatively compact and don’t spoil easily, said David Closs, an expert in global food supply at Michigan State University.

Yeah right, like we can't live without the imports. Well, think about this - because of the imports we may not live.

That's a lot of money and jobs lost right here at home. I ask you who will buy anything when we don't have incomes from jobs to purchase.

I often wonder if we stopped the worthless foreign aid and kept it here and actually went back to growing our own, building our own, and making our own then would we be a strong nation once again?

I'm not an educated person, but from what little I can remember of history, if you can't feed and clothe your troops and you don't have fuel for the military vehicles, you will be defenseless when you are invaded by another country!!

We are headed down a perilous path and I don't understand why. What has changed the way we think and act?

The least-read document in Washington D.C.:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

If we the people of the United States are not careful, we will no longer be the number one country in the world - we will no longer be a country!!!


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