A Special May 4th
A very special day.
Today is May 4th, 2007.
What were you doing one year ago today on May 4th, 2006?
Today is the one year anniversary of this blog.
For some crazy reason, with the encouragement of my wife Vicki and the help of my editor Pat, who not only posts my stuff for me but also formatted the whole site, I started a blog.
Each day as I try to come up with something on here I wonder what ever possessed me to do such a silly thing.
Those loyal readers who have been with me from the humble beginning will also remember I quit part way into the project but soon returned.
I just recently got smart and started taking weekends off which has helped a bunch.
When I started this, I figured how hard could this be, which I soon found out was a lot harder than it looked.
It is amazing how much time it takes to do this. Ah, if only I was a good story teller and could type, how much faster it would be.
I also figured I would corner the market on readers and would elicit enough comments to have people commenting on the comments but alas neither happened.
How much longer it will go on I don't know but until then stay tuned.
On this auspicious occasion of the 1 year anniversary of the most unread blog on the net, I would like to take time out to thank Vic for not seeing me while I write these (although she may prefer that), thank Pat for putting in more work on this site than I do a lot of time into the wee hours when I am late, and last but not least thank you to those of you that do actually look in from time to time.
The beginning:
May 04, 2006
Thank you for visiting my blog site. As I get a little proficient at blogging, I hope it will be interesting to you.
I have several things planned for the site: my commentaries and any responses of course, and a few guest writers stopping by to add to the site from time to time and a star or two!
I am working on putting it all together to hopefully entertain you, share my views, and maybe, just maybe, bore you. Time will tell. Please give it a look from time to time and feel free to comment. If you enjoy the site please feel free to share with everyone you would like to see it. The first star has graciously agreed to post her picture on the site. She is a Lab mixed with a Rover.

That's it for this week, gotta party on Saturday and relatives in for the next week. Enjoy the weekend and thanks for looking in!
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