Set Um Up Joe
Welcome to Utah - set your clocks back 24 years.
When you are having a glass of wine with dinner think of what state you could be in.
Bad year for wine license plates in Utah
Law banning alcohol terms leaves merlot fan with bad taste in his mouth
SALT LAKE CITY - Merlot can be a variety of grape or a type of red wine, but not an acceptable personalized license plate in the state of Utah.
Glenn Eurick’s 1996 Mercedes has had the license plate reading “merlot” for 10 years. He says the plate never got a lot of notice until the Utah Tax Commission told him last week that he had to remove it because the state doesn’t allow words of intoxicant to be used on vanity plates.
Six or seven-letter words like liquor or whiskey probably wouldn’t make it through the state screening process before the plates are issued. But merlot did and Eurick was fine until an anonymous caller told the state that merlot was also an alcoholic beverage.
Eurick’s car with the offending plate is dark red, like the wine.
Sounds like sour grapes to me!!
OK, in Utah why did the offended anonymous caller think of wine instead of grapes?
No church member in Utah knows what wine is, well unless they went on a mission in which case they were well aquatinted with wine prior to their mission!!
Party on Dude:
'Gin and Tonic' Bandit Arrested
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - A scofflaw who came to be known as the gin and tonic bandit went to the same restaurant each Wednesday, ordered two drinks and a rib-eye steak, then skipped out on his $25.96 bill.
Each Wednesday night for four weeks running, the same man came into the same O'Charley's restaurant and ordered the two drinks and the steak,
At the end of each meal, the wait staff would present him with his bill for $25.96, and he would excuse himself to use the restroom, then skip out without paying.
His dining, drinking and dashing days may be over.
When his server presented the bill, he again claimed he needed to use the bathroom.
But when he walked out of the restaurant, four employees were waiting for him.
Hee hee, there must have been a group of well-educated employees at that restaurant that it took them that long to stop the guy!!
I gotta get drunk and I sure do dread it:
Beer, Bubbles, and the Perfect Pint Formula
CHICAGO - A mathematical formula can now predict how the frothy head on a beer changes over time, a finding that may have a wide range of commercial uses beyond pulling the perfect pint, U.S. researchers said.
The formula explains how the tiny bubbles that make up foam grow -- an explanation that could lead to the development of products such as metal shrink wrap.
The possibilities include "the heat treatment of metals or even controlling (the) head on a pint of beer," Robert MacPherson of The Institute for Advanced Study in New Jersey, and David Srolovitz of Yeshiva University in New York report in the journal Nature.
Foam is made up of many tiny bubbles that scientists think of as cells with boundaries. The new formula calculates how these microstructures grow.
These tiny structures or grains are abundant in nature, making up the foam on a beach or the pebble in your shoe. They also can be found in man-made materials such as ceramics or metals.
"What the theory does is it tells you how the size of every single bubble will evolve in time," Srolovitz said in a telephone interview.
David Kinderlehrer, a mathematician at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, said the finding will help materials scientists concoct a number of newfangled materials by rearranging the grains in various materials using computer simulation.
You see, beer is good for a lot of things.
Watching sporting events, relaxing after a hard day at the office, cooking, makes an introvert an extrovert and as we all know, after enough of them it improves ones looks.
Now even the scientists are on board with beer. I can see them all now at the bars talking to each other about the size of their bubbles.
Finally some good news from Washington:
Fruity Cocktails Count as Health Food
WASHINGTON - A fruity cocktail may not only be fun to drink but may count as health food, U.S. and Thai researchers said on Thursday.

Researchers discover adding alcohol to fruit increases the antioxidant nutrients.
The study did not address whether adding a little cocktail umbrella enhanced the effects.
Adding ethanol -- the type of alcohol found in rum, vodka, tequila and other spirits -- boosted the antioxidant nutrients in strawberries and blackberries, the researchers found.
Any colored fruit might be made even more healthful with the addition of a splash of alcohol, they report in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Any colored fruit or vegetable is rich in antioxidants, which are chemicals that can cancel out the cell-damaging effects of compounds called free radicals.
Berries, for instance, contain compounds known as polyphenols and anthocyanins. People who eat more of these fruits and vegetables have a documented lower risk of cancer, heart disease and some neurological diseases.
Now this has to be the best news ever. The government health gurus and doctors all tell us to eat more fruit.
Now is our chance and no one can say we are bad.
Set um up bartender. Squeeze a quarter glass of juice from the orange and top it off with sloe gin.
For my car, top off my tank with ethanol and for me add a twist of lime to my glass of ethanol-based rum and Coke!!
Wine is from grapes so set me up with a glass of Ripple!!
Forget going to the gym, now you know how to shape up and get healthy, go to the taverns!!!
Come back again tomorrow because you never know when I will have more educational material to assist you.
When you are having a glass of wine with dinner think of what state you could be in.
Bad year for wine license plates in Utah
Law banning alcohol terms leaves merlot fan with bad taste in his mouth
SALT LAKE CITY - Merlot can be a variety of grape or a type of red wine, but not an acceptable personalized license plate in the state of Utah.
Glenn Eurick’s 1996 Mercedes has had the license plate reading “merlot” for 10 years. He says the plate never got a lot of notice until the Utah Tax Commission told him last week that he had to remove it because the state doesn’t allow words of intoxicant to be used on vanity plates.
Six or seven-letter words like liquor or whiskey probably wouldn’t make it through the state screening process before the plates are issued. But merlot did and Eurick was fine until an anonymous caller told the state that merlot was also an alcoholic beverage.
Eurick’s car with the offending plate is dark red, like the wine.
Sounds like sour grapes to me!!
OK, in Utah why did the offended anonymous caller think of wine instead of grapes?
No church member in Utah knows what wine is, well unless they went on a mission in which case they were well aquatinted with wine prior to their mission!!
Party on Dude:
'Gin and Tonic' Bandit Arrested
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - A scofflaw who came to be known as the gin and tonic bandit went to the same restaurant each Wednesday, ordered two drinks and a rib-eye steak, then skipped out on his $25.96 bill.
Each Wednesday night for four weeks running, the same man came into the same O'Charley's restaurant and ordered the two drinks and the steak,
At the end of each meal, the wait staff would present him with his bill for $25.96, and he would excuse himself to use the restroom, then skip out without paying.
His dining, drinking and dashing days may be over.
When his server presented the bill, he again claimed he needed to use the bathroom.
But when he walked out of the restaurant, four employees were waiting for him.
Hee hee, there must have been a group of well-educated employees at that restaurant that it took them that long to stop the guy!!
I gotta get drunk and I sure do dread it:
Beer, Bubbles, and the Perfect Pint Formula
CHICAGO - A mathematical formula can now predict how the frothy head on a beer changes over time, a finding that may have a wide range of commercial uses beyond pulling the perfect pint, U.S. researchers said.
The formula explains how the tiny bubbles that make up foam grow -- an explanation that could lead to the development of products such as metal shrink wrap.
The possibilities include "the heat treatment of metals or even controlling (the) head on a pint of beer," Robert MacPherson of The Institute for Advanced Study in New Jersey, and David Srolovitz of Yeshiva University in New York report in the journal Nature.
Foam is made up of many tiny bubbles that scientists think of as cells with boundaries. The new formula calculates how these microstructures grow.
These tiny structures or grains are abundant in nature, making up the foam on a beach or the pebble in your shoe. They also can be found in man-made materials such as ceramics or metals.
"What the theory does is it tells you how the size of every single bubble will evolve in time," Srolovitz said in a telephone interview.
David Kinderlehrer, a mathematician at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, said the finding will help materials scientists concoct a number of newfangled materials by rearranging the grains in various materials using computer simulation.
You see, beer is good for a lot of things.
Watching sporting events, relaxing after a hard day at the office, cooking, makes an introvert an extrovert and as we all know, after enough of them it improves ones looks.
Now even the scientists are on board with beer. I can see them all now at the bars talking to each other about the size of their bubbles.
Finally some good news from Washington:
Fruity Cocktails Count as Health Food
WASHINGTON - A fruity cocktail may not only be fun to drink but may count as health food, U.S. and Thai researchers said on Thursday.

Researchers discover adding alcohol to fruit increases the antioxidant nutrients.
The study did not address whether adding a little cocktail umbrella enhanced the effects.
Adding ethanol -- the type of alcohol found in rum, vodka, tequila and other spirits -- boosted the antioxidant nutrients in strawberries and blackberries, the researchers found.
Any colored fruit might be made even more healthful with the addition of a splash of alcohol, they report in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
Any colored fruit or vegetable is rich in antioxidants, which are chemicals that can cancel out the cell-damaging effects of compounds called free radicals.
Berries, for instance, contain compounds known as polyphenols and anthocyanins. People who eat more of these fruits and vegetables have a documented lower risk of cancer, heart disease and some neurological diseases.
Now this has to be the best news ever. The government health gurus and doctors all tell us to eat more fruit.
Now is our chance and no one can say we are bad.
Set um up bartender. Squeeze a quarter glass of juice from the orange and top it off with sloe gin.
For my car, top off my tank with ethanol and for me add a twist of lime to my glass of ethanol-based rum and Coke!!
Wine is from grapes so set me up with a glass of Ripple!!
Forget going to the gym, now you know how to shape up and get healthy, go to the taverns!!!
Come back again tomorrow because you never know when I will have more educational material to assist you.
Hey Dave, you het the nail right on the head. Keep up the good work. Mike U.
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