Sick World

The Catholic Churches Dirty Little Secret
Catholic Popes who died during sex:
Leo VII (936-9) died of a heart attack, John VII (955-64) was bludgeoned to death by the husband of the woman he was with at the time, John XIII (965-72) was also murdered by a jealous husband, Pope Paul II (1467-71) allegedly died while being sodomized by a page boy.
The word is spreading though. The Catholic Church denies it, tries to cover it up and pays dearly!
Navy officer abused as teen to get $41 million
Delaware jury sets amount in case against Catholic priest
WILMINGTON, Del. - A federal jury on Friday awarded $41 million to a Navy officer who as a teenager was repeatedly sexually abused by a Catholic priest.
Whitwell bowed his head and wiped his eyes with his hands as the verdict was read.
Whitwell won a default judgment against the Rev. Edward J. Smith in January after Smith failed to respond to a federal lawsuit.
The case marks the first time that a priest has been found liable in Delaware for child sexual abuse.
Whitwell's attorney, Thomas Neuberger, urged the jury to send a message to Smith, who did not attend Friday's proceedings, that he is not above the law, and that child molesters will be held accountable.
"If you don't enforce the law against the high and the mighty, including religious officials, then no one is protected by the law," he said.
Amen to that!!
Hey, but the Priests or Popes can go to confession and that, according to them, makes it all right!!
As I have said on many posts, they knew. But as the saying goes "Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone."
None of them can speak up because they all are guilty!!!
Your search for CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT in Roman Catholic Church returned 1111 articles
Catholic Group Receives 1,092 New Sex Abuse Reports
Bishops Report Decline in Abuse Accusations
A total of 783 new accusations of Roman Catholic priests' sexual abuse were received in 2005, down from 1,092 in 2004.
The personnel files reveal case after case in which the church was warned of abuse but failed to protect its parishioners.
Is anyone paying attention? Are the parishioners afraid? Do they volunteer their children to be altar boys?
Speaking of sick people:
Mich. Mom accused in child prostitution case
Authorities say mother offered investigator sex with her daughter, 7
TAYLOR, Mich. - A 33-year-old woman faced arraignment Sunday on charges alleging she offered to let an undercover investigator take pornographic photos of her 7-year-old daughter and have sex with the girl.
The woman was arrested Friday after taking the girl to a hotel in Romulus, near Detroit Metropolitan Airport, where she had agreed to meet the investigator.
Authorities said the woman offered to let the investigator take the photos for a fee and, when she met with him, discussed being paid in exchange for sex with the child.
“This is truly a horrifying case,” Sheriff Warren Evans said in a statement. “To think that a woman would offer up her own daughter in this way is impossible to comprehend.”
The girl and her four siblings, ages 12, 11, 9 and 6, all were in protective custody, Roach said.
She also was charged with prostitution, since the department said she propositioned the investigator herself. The department said the woman advertised herself online as a prostitute.
This is sick and way too impossible to comprehend!!!!!
This woman should be put away for life!!
Another Mother of the year award!!
Woman Mistakenly Calls Cop for Drugs
COLBERT, Okla. - A woman looking for a cocaine dealer called a number on her son's cell phone - only to discover she had phoned a police officer.
Durant police Lt. Mike Woodruff said the 42-year-old woman called him by accident. His number was on her son's cell phone because he had been arrested previously on drug charges.
"She was looking through her son's cell phone directory and found my number," Woodruff said. "Her son had told her that if she ever needed help with anything to give me a call. I think she misunderstood.
"She thought she was talking to a drug dealer."
Sick, sick world. As I have said before, we are going to hell in a hand basket!!
So much for today. Maybe tomorrow it will be a lighter subject!!
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