Over Here, Over There
It's Friday Casual Day so let's bounce here and there!!
Fact: 82% of Americans made a purchase at Wal-Mart in 2002.
That fact was from 2002 - the percentage is higher now!!
OK I'm just ask'n,
Wal-Mart is non-union and union people are supposed to boycott shopping at non-union stores, so does that mean that only 18% of Americans are union members?
Fact: In 21 states, Wal-Mart is the single largest employer.
All I read and hear is how towns don't want Wal-Mart opening stores in their cities. I also read and hear that the unions need to represent the Wal-Mart workers. With the fact that Wal-Mart is the single largest employer In 21 states why would what I have read be true?
Fact: Dogs and cats consume almost $7 billion worth of pet food a year.
That fact being said, then I ask how can something like the following happen?
Why are there not better controls in place?
Pet Food Tests Kill Seven Animals, Feds Say
WASHINGTON - As many as one in six animals died in tests of suspect dog and cat food by the manufacturer after complaints the products were poisoning pets around the country, the government said.

Menu Foods suggested the timing of the pet deaths was tied to its use of a new supplier for wheat gluten, a source of protein. It didn't name the supplier.
And why wouldn't it name the supplier?
The United States news media draws a map in the sand on world television showing our route of invasion into Iraq, but no one will name the supplier for wheat gluten!!
Am I missing something there?
Fact: In an effort to encourage the use of nuclear energy, the United States lent highly enriched uranium to countries all over the world between 1950 and 1988.
Enough weapons-grade material to make 1,000 nuclear bombs has still not been returned by such countries as Pakistan, Iran, Israel and South Africa.
The United States is such a giving country. Giving to others, that is. What ever happened to living by the code 'charity begins at home?'
Great countries eventually destroy themselves from within!!!
As with all States, we in the Silver State Of Nevada strive to be number one, however, not in this category:
No. 1 -- Nevada
Nevada may not have the highest murder rate, but its crime rankings across the board offer the highest odds of a crime against you and your family.
Rankings by Crime
Murder: 3
Rape: 11
Robbery: 2
Assault: 13
Burglary: 7
Motor Vehicle Theft: 1

Speaking of Las Vegas, the following are pictures from our own McCarran airport.

Those Toyota trucks have so much power the driver forgets he has a trailer in tow!!!
Math is hard here, the owner must have stood inside the trailer at one time and noticed the ceiling to be at least 7' high on the inside not including the insulation space so lets be less than generous and add only 6".
Let's see, the trailer has wheels that raise it off the ground, which you would notice when you use a step to gain entrance, so let's be less than generous and add only 2' to the top of the floor. Now the two orange signs say 8'2" clearance.
Now I understand when they worry the school test scores are so low.
What is even stupider, at the top of the ramp is a parking garage which like all parking garages, is difficult to navigate with the truck alone!!
Speaking of Las Vegas, good luck to the University Of Nevada Las Vegas tonight in their quest to make it to the Elite 8 in men's basketball.
Go Rebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In keeping with my new found freedom, there will not be weekend posts. Join me again Monday for something more or less!!!!
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