Men or Women
OK, who's smarter?
Man Chainsaws House in Two for Divorce
BERLIN - A 43-year-old German decided to settle his imminent divorce by chainsawing a family home in two and making off with his half in a forklift truck.
Police in the eastern town of Sonneberg said on Friday the trained mason measured the single-storey summer house -- which was some 26 feet long and 6 meters wide -- before chainsawing through the wooden roof and walls.
"The man said he was just taking his due, but I don't think his wife was too pleased."
After finishing the job, the man picked up his half with the forklift truck and drove to his brother's house where he has since been staying.
This is good stuff!! I sure hope he doesn't have any kids to divide up!!
Well, you can put an end to the Polish jokes because it appears some of them are smarter than you think!!
Polish lace-makers' modern twist: the thong
Say goodbye to traditional, stodgy doilies; say hello to racy G-strings
KONIAKOW, Poland - Delicate hand-stitched lace from this mountaintop village has long graced the altars of Polish churches and tables of Polish homes.

But now tradition has taken a modern twist with thongs, G-strings and other racy undergarments — offending some villagers but giving new life to a 200-year-old cottage industry.
“Lace wasn’t selling in the quantities it once did, and the tradition was starting to slowly disappear,” says Malgorzata Stanaszek, co-owner of KONI-art, the company that stitches the lingerie. “Our friend then said, as a half-joke, ’Why don’t you make thongs? They’re popular now.'"
Stanaszek, 32, recruited her mother and two sisters into the business, and they started stitching the thongs and selling them on the Internet in 2004. Now Stanaszek says she employs 65 women who work from home churning out lace panties, G-strings, thongs and bras for customers around the world. Orders come from across Europe and as far away as Japan, China, New Zealand and the United States; a Koniakow thong sells for about $20.
Stanaszek’s business shows no sign of slowing down. She plans to release a new collection this summer, and may launch a silk-lace line later in the year.
Smart, very smart. And just look at how many people she employs.
Nice handiwork!!
Fact: The thong accounts for 25% of the United States women's underwear market.
Fact: 3.9% of all women surveyed say they never wear underwear.
The following two stories may be an explanation of why 3.9 % don't wear underwear.
Wash. man steals 93 pounds of bras, panties
24-year-old charged with taking 1,500 undergarments from laundry rooms
PULLMAN, Wash. - A man was charged with theft and burglary after police said they found 93 pounds of women’s panties, brassieres and other underwear at his home.
Investigators believe Garth M. Flaherty, 24, took as many as 1,500 undergarments from apartment complex laundry rooms before he was caught, police Cmdr. Chris Tennant said.
Police found enough underwear in his bedroom to fill five garbage bags, Tennant said.
“We were kind of concerned about how to match up bras and panties with victims,” Tennant said. “Based on the unique descriptions from a couple of women, we can tie him to those thefts.”
Now this statement is a cliff hanger - "The unique descriptions from a couple of women..." Hmmmmm, gotta wonder what that means!!!!!!
Police Find Huge Cache of Stolen Underwear
TOKYO - Police found more than 4,000 pieces of lingerie in the home of a Japanese construction worker who used climbing skills developed on his job to steal women's underwear.
Police believe that Shigeo Kodama, 54, amassed the 3,977 panties, 355 bras and 10 pairs of stockings over a six-year period. He was arrested after he stole underwear from two houses, and police later raided his home.
"He didn't steal any other kinds of clothing. But as long as it was underwear, apparently anything would do," the spokesman added.
Interesting, in the United states the theft is measured in pounds and in Japan it's measured in the number of pieces stolen.
Between the pieces and pounds that totals 5842 items of ladies undergarments!!
I wonder if sales were up at Victoria's secret?
Fact: 57% of British women wear a D-cup bra. Only 10% of Italian women wear a D-cup.
Fact: The two highest IQs ever recorded (on a standard test) both belong to women.
I would say the previous stories would tend to support that fact!!!
I guess we now know who is smarter!!!!
We are on the downhill side of the week and it is almost time to kick back.
Speaking of back, come back here tomorrow for more of something!!
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