Activist Right
They call themselves animal rights activists?
Give me a break!!!!!
Activist Says Zoo 'Must Kill' Baby Polar Bear
BERLIN - Berlin Zoo's abandoned polar bear cub Knut looks cute, cuddly and has become a front-page media darling, but an animal rights activist insisted Monday he would have been better off dead than raised by humans.

"Feeding by hand is not species-appropriate but a gross violation of animal protection laws," animal rights activist Frank Albrecht was quoted as saying.
"The zoo must kill the bear."
When Knut - or "Cute Knut," as the 8.7 kilogram (19 pound) bear has become known - was born last December, his mother ignored him and his brother, who later died. Zoo officials intervened, choosing to raise the cub themselves.
The story prompted quick condemnations from the zoo, politicians and other animal rights groups.
"The killing of an animal has nothing to do with animal protection," said Wolfgang Apel, head of the German Federation for the Protection of Animals.
"If a polar bear mother rejected the baby, then I believe the zoo must follow the instincts of nature," Albrecht said. "In the wild, it would have been left to die."
The German animal rights organization "Four Paws" argued along similar lines, saying it would not be right to punish the cub for a bad decision made by the zoo.
Other activists have also argued that current treatment of the cub is inhumane and could lead to future difficulties interacting with fellow polar bears.
"They cannot domesticate a wild animal," Ruediger Schmiedel, head of the Foundation for Bears, told Der Spiegel weekly in its Monday edition.
But Knut belongs to the Berlin Zoo, and their veterinarian Andre Schuele, charged with caring for him, disagrees.
"These criticisms make me angry, but you can't take them so seriously," Andre Schuele said. "Polar bears live alone in the wild; I see no logical reason why this bear should be killed."
Schuele also argued that given the increased rarity of polar bears in the wild, it makes sense to keep them alive in captivity so that they can be bred.
"Polar bears are under threat of extinction, and if we feed the bear with a bottle, it has a good chance of growing up and perhaps becoming attractive as a stud for other zoos," Schuele said.
They call themselves animal rights activists? I think not.
A true animal rights activist would only suggest euthanasia if the animal was dying or in pain!!!!!
Fact: All polar bears are left handed.
I wonder what the animal rights activists think about this:
Unlikely Pals

A piglet and a tiger cub play at a park March 13 in Guangzhou, China. The cub was abandoned by its mother and is being raised by a sow.
The animal rights activist would argue "In the wild, it would have been left to die." Hello, anyone looking? They aren't in the wild!! Duh!!
Big heart
Tiniest horse saddled with charitable mission
Owners of smallest equine aim to raise $1 million for children's causes
ST. LOUIS - At just a hair over 17 inches tall, the miniature horse is more inclined to walk under fences than jump them.

And her owners have sheltered the mare from ever gaining “circus-sideshow” or “one-trick-pony” status.
As the world’s smallest horse, 5-year-old Thumbelina, weighing in at 57 pounds, has a bigger mission: to raise $1 million for children’s charities this year.
Most of her days are spent playing with like-sized farm dogs. She even sleeps in a dog house.

$10,000 banked for charities so far
The tiny horse and her charitable foundation have helped raise about $10,000 for children’s charities since she gained world record status as the smallest horse ever recorded, at 17½ inches at the withers.
An upcoming “Thumbelina Children’s Tour” is expected to include stops in the 48 contiguous states at children’s hospitals, schools, summer camps, fairs, horse shows and charitable fundraisers.
Great story and doing good things for good charities.
Let's hope the animal rights activists mind their own business on this one!!!
Man Shares Golf Cart With Bobcat
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. - It's best not to get between a predator and its prey - especially when they're in the passenger seat of your golf cart.
Water plant worker Mitch Walter would offer that bit of advice and bears the scratches of one who speaks from experience.
As Walter was inspecting the Cape Rock Water Treatment Plant property Tuesday night, a rabbit leaped into his golf cart - followed by a 25-pound bobcat. The rabbit then jumped back out, leaving Walter alone with a large, frightened feline.
"The cat went from a sleek predator after fast food to a ball of fur trying to jump through the windshield of the golf cart," Walter said.
Walter received scratches on his neck while shoving the bobcat out, necessitating a round of rabies shots, but was otherwise unhurt.
The rabbit must have played the hare and the hound game so when the cat tried to play, the rabbit out "foxed" her!!
Those animal rights activists need to get that rabbit.
Fact: 72% of Americans sign their pets' names on greeting cards they send out.
Those are my rants for today. Hope to see you tomorrow for more of nothing!!
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