Facts, Facts, and More Facts
Did you know people will believe anything if you whisper it?
So put your ear next to your speaker as we proceed!!!
Man Accidentally Glues Self to Roof
BERLIN - A 91-year-old German man was rescued Tuesday from a sticky situation.
The retiree from the eastern city of Magdeburg had been taking advantage of good spring weather to re-tar the roof of his garden house when he slipped and became glued to the structure himself.
At 91 years old he shouldn't be on the roof to start with!!!
Fact: We forget 80 percent of what we learn everyday.
Maybe that is the problem with the previous story and the following story!!!
Town Fixes Sign With 20-Year-Old Typo
HAGERSTOWN, Md. - The city of Hagerstown corrected a municipal spelling error Thursday, 20 years after committing it.
A sign directing drivers to "Municpal Stadium" was replaced with one displaying the proper spelling, Erik Kline, city traffic control supervisor, said.
The sign was first placed at the corner of Frederick Street and East Memorial Boulevard in the mid to late 1980s, but the error went uncorrected until Hagerstown's Herald-Mail brought it to City Hall's attention this week, prompted by a reader's complaint.
Kline said the longtime tolerance for the misspelled sign doesn't reflect poorly on the western Maryland city of 38,000.
"I think it was a mistake that was made. I don't know that it necessarily makes us look bad," Kline said.
Quick studies - only took 20 years to notice!
Kline is right, it doesn't make them look bad, it makes them look stupid!!!
I bet their school test scores suck!!
Speaking of educated people, who goofed here?
Fact: The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.
Higher education at its best!!!!
Speaking of being smart, I was going to go to Hawaii one of these days but I am going to save money and wait and go when Hawaii and Japan merge.
Fact: Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year.
I think it may be too slow for me!!
Baseball season is starting so I thought I would give you a few more interesting facts:
In 1920, Babe Ruth broke the single season home run record, with 29.
The same year, he became the first major leaguer to hit 30 home runs.
The same year, he became the first major leaguer to hit 40 home runs.
The same year, he became the first major leaguer to hit 50 home runs.
Not bad, but guess what else he did in 1920.
In 1920, Babe Ruth out-homered every American League team.
No steroids, just beer and whiskey!!!!!
Speaking of booze:
Fact: George Washington spent about 7% of his annual salary on liquor.
Prolonged drunk:
Russian scientists have developed a new drug that prolongs drunkenness and enhances intoxication.
Fact: 1.5 million Americans are charged with drunk driving each year.
Now here's a great idea!!
Hot pink plates for busted drunk drivers?
Arkansas proposal would affect anyone convicted three or more times
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - It'd be easy to spot those convicted of drunken-driven offenses under a measure proposed by one Arkansas lawmaker:
Hot pink license plates, starting with the letters DWI, would be issued to repeat offenders.
The proposal, by Rep. Pam Adcock, D-Little Rock, would require anyone convicted three or more times of driving while intoxicated to display the pink DWI license plates on his or her car.
"The DWI license plate shall be a bright pink color that is easily distinguishable from other license plates issued in the state," the bill says.
This ought to be a federal law and ought to apply to first time offenders nationwide!
This only affects anyone convicted three or more times. I ask you, why are they allowed to be driving and out of jail if they have been convicted three or more times?
Something wrong there!!!!
I'm sure that is all the information anyone could want to know, so I will close today with a suggestion - plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.
And of course, come back for more of less tomorrow!!
Good one!
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