He's Gone Off the Deep End
OK strap on your seat belt and cinch it up tight because we are bouncing all over the place today.
Burning Question:
I attended a funeral last weekend and listened as the Bishop and the Stake President (Mormon) talked about how great Heaven is.
That made me wonder, "if Heaven is real and it is so great why do we eat healthy to live longer?"
That question raised the next question:
"Why don't scientists work on speeding up the aging process so we die within a few days of being born so we can go to Heaven?"
Yeah Yeah I will get mail on that one!!
Check out these stats:
Barbie's measurements (if she were life-size): 39-23-33
The company that manufactures the greatest number of women's dresses each year is Mattel. Barbie's got to wear something.
I got that info from Ken. You know Barbie got the Corvette when she dumped Ken!!
Trouble brewing!!
Have you ever wondered why so many women are the ones who make the coffee?
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
Get it?
Yeah Yeah I will get mail on that one too!!
Bloggers are a brave bunch of idiots!!!
Before computers, Spam came in a can and did not taste like Ham!!
The New York Times reports that in February 2004, 62% of all e-mail was Spam.
Do you wonder why everything costs more these days when computers were hailed as cost saving?
The time spent deleting SPAM costs United States businesses $21.6 billion annually.
That's why everything costs more these days !!!
Speaking of spending (wasting) money:
Last December, the House of Representatives earmarked $50,000,000 to create an indoor rain forest in Iowa.
Hmmm I don't get it!!
Speaking of water or lack thereof:
Seven percent of Americans claim they never bathe at all.
That last story smells to me!! Who are the 7% that admitted to that?
Cells not the phone type!
The longest living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime.
I know a lot of dead people walking!!
Is it any wonder General Motors is about to go bankrupt?
At General Motors, the cost of health care for employees now exceeds the cost of steel.
Speaking of driving or not driving as the case might be:
An average American will spend an average of 6 months during his lifetime waiting at red lights.
Where is OSHA when you need them?
The leading cause of on-the-job deaths in workplaces in America is homicide.
I believe the phrase goes something like this, "so and so has a job that is to die for!!"
Did you know,
Hoover Dam was built to last 2,000 years. Its concrete will not be fully cured for another 500 years.
Also did you know,
The biggest dog on record was an Old English Mastiff that weighed 343 pounds.
He was 8 feet, 3 inches from nose to tail.
Does this scare you?
20% of Americans think that the Sun orbits around the Earth.
I always say the people in this country have lost the ability to think.
Here is another prime example:

Has it gotten so bad we need a sign posted to tell us what is obvious?
Have we become that stupid?
When you reach this point, what do you do?
That's it for today.
Once again due to a drop in readers over the weekends I too shall take the weekend off!!
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