Get well wishes then on to my Animal Day
Before all the news you can use today I want to send out get well wishes to my editor Pat.
Pat's back has gone out on her and she can hardly move.
Now heres the story on Pat;
As I told you in my previous post, Pat took a little time off to fly to New York for her Mom's 80th birthday.
Well, Pat was gone for four or five days and when she returned home she was fine. Of course she really missed her husband Wally as did he really miss her while she was gone.
Funny, Pat is home one day and one night and she throws her back out!!
I'm just saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check this out:
New Multicolored Bird Found in India

The multicolored bird, Bugun Liocichla, was spotted in May in the remote Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary in India's northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh near the border with China, said Ramana Athreya, a member of Mumbai's Natural History Society.
Athreya, who found the bird, named it after the Bugun tribe, which lives in the area. The bird has a black cap, a bright yellow patch around the eyes and yellow, crimson, black and white patches on the wings, he told The Associated Press.
Birdlife International, a global alliance of conservation organizations, described it on its Web site Tuesday as "the most sensational ornithological discovery in India for more than half a century."
Athreya caught two of the species, but released them after making detailed notes and taking photographs - and keeping feathers that had worked loose in his net.
"We thought the bird was just too rare for one to be killed," Athreya said.
"With today's modern technology, we could gather all the information we needed to confirm it as a new species. We took feathers and photographs and recorded the bird's songs," he said.
Though the bird was discovered in May, the news was kept under wraps until it was confirmed that it was a new species.
Athreya said he had first briefly spotted the bird in 1995. "But it was only this year I had a sufficiently good look that we could move into the matter."
How about that? You heard it right here!!!
Driver grabs pup, hits train, lives to tell tale
Woman turns to help tumbling Chihuahua; train drags part of car 200 yards

Both Lee Blake, 64, and her Chihuahua, Cocoa, were unhurt.
"My dog fell off the seat and I grabbed him," Blake said. "I guess I took longer than I thought. I looked up and I hit the train."
The crash happened around 11 a.m. Monday.
Police said Blake apparently didn't hear the warning signals and drove beneath the BNSF Railway gates. BNSF Railway officials said the gates were working properly.
It took 200 yards for the coal train, which was pulling 131 empty cars, to stop.
The hood of the blue 1998 Chevrolet Cavalier was ripped off, the radiator hung from the engine block and the bumper was 200 yards away.
"Usually you expect these to be a T-bone," police officer Rebecca Elger said. "You're always surprised when they turn out good."
And they say cell phones are bad! See, it's those little dogs!! Oh, after this story I need a Taco Bell!!
Notice it was a woman driver!! I'm just saying.
Pig Withstands Tasers and Eludes Police

The 150-pound pig was spotted by a passing driver on U.S. 41. The animal reportedly went into traffic several times, creating a hazard.
Officers located the pig about 7 p.m. and made two attempts to subdue it with a stun gun, but it fled both times after pulling out the Taser probes.
A passerby who described himself as a former pig farmer tried to wrestle the animal, but the animal pulled away from him as well.
Three tranquilizer darts were finally used to bring the pig under control, and it was placed in blanket and lifted into an animal control van.
The animal was taken to the Bay Area Humane Shelter that evening. Police said a local attorney planned to claim the pig Thursday. The name of the pig's owner was not disclosed.
No offense to all my police friends and all of the ones that enjoy writing me tickets. Is this a case of pig vs. pig and the four-legged one wins?
Notice how quick an attorney showed up!!
And right before, the goat ate my homework ...
Ax murder suspect says goat he was attacking turned into brothers corpse

The man, whose name wasn't released, offered police his explanation after his arrest Tuesday in the death of his brother the previous day at Isseluku village in southern Nigeria.
He said that the goats were on his farm and he tried to chase them away. When one wouldn't move, he attacked it with an ax. He said it then turned into his brother.
Murder suspects in Nigeria, where many people believe in black magic, sometimes claim spirits tricked them into killing. In 2001, eight people were burned to death after one person in their group was accused of making a bystander's penis magically disappear.
Wow, just when you thought you had heard every excuse, one like this comes along!! I wonder if the bystander ever found it?
And so once again we face terrible Tuesday with all the news you can use.
Return tomorrow to see what Wednesday (hump day) will bring in the form of all the news you can use!!!!
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