Unacceptable Behavior
All the news you can use today is not good news!!
There is hunting and there is murder!!
There are those that hunt animals and there are those that don't. I am not going to open the debate today for or against it because I think you will agree with me that this next story will sicken both hunters and non-hunters alike.
Some people make a lot of money for what they do, and they think that money gives them the right to do as they please.
Well, I don't agree and especially since we, the buying public, can hold someone accountable very simply by boycotting their product.
Today, I am calling on you and your friends for an all out boycott of all music, concerts, memorabilia and any sponsors of these singers.
Country Star Accused of Killing Tame Bear
Troy Gentry Could Face Prison, Hefty Fine if Convicted

DULUTH, Minn. - Troy Lee Gentry, of the country singing duo Montgomery Gentry, has been accused of killing a tame black bear that federal officials say he tagged as killed in the wild.
Gentry, 39, of Franklin, Tenn., and Lee Marvin Greenly, 46, of Sandstone, appeared Tuesday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Raymond Erickson in connection with a sealed indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Minneapolis.
Authorities allege that Gentry purchased the bear from Greenly, a wildlife photographer and hunting guide, then killed it with a bow and arrow in an enclosed pen on Greenly's property in October 2004.
The government alleges that Gentry and Greenly tagged the bear with a Minnesota hunting license and registered the animal with the state Department of Natural Resources as a wild kill.
Gentry allegedly paid about $4,650 for the bear, named Cubby. The bear's death was videotaped, and the tape later edited so Gentry appeared to shoot the animal in a "fair chase" hunting situation, the government alleges.
If convicted, both Gentry and Greenly face a maximum penalty of five years in federal prison and a $20,000 fine.
Greenly refused to comment Tuesday. A spokesman for Gentry said he couldn't comment.
This is not acceptable, period. I urge you to not purchase any of their music, destroy all you have, send a letter of complaint to their record label and if you see them sponsoring or being sponsored by anyone notify that sponsor you will no longer purchase their product and tell them why. Take away their income and see what great citizens they become. This was not hunting - it was murder! I personally hope they are given the maximum penalty of five years in federal prison and a $20,000 fine. I hope while in prison there is some big S.O.B. that loves bears and he makes them pay as well!!
On the same subject of S.O.B.'s
Five Kittens Survive Toss Into Hot Frying Pan
BUFFALO, N.Y.- A New York man faces charges for allegedly throwing five kittens into a hot frying pan.
The kittens are about six or seven weeks old. Authorities say they were slightly burned and are expected to recover.
The incident occurred in Buffalo after the apartment's occupant began cooking pork chops in hot oil. When he left the kitchen, a visitor put two of the kittens in the pan. The visitor then threw one kitten on the floor and wiped the other on the wall. After that he put the other three in the pan.
Police say they expect the suspect to be charged with animal cruelty.
Why is it that scum like this are still alive? I will pay for his airfare to Las Vegas and welcome the opportunity to introduce him to hot oil!!!
I ask again: Who's watching the Catholic Church and where the money goes?
Church Consultant Pleads Guilty to Fraud
NEW YORK - A former consultant to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York has pleaded guilty to fraud, tax and obstruction of justice charges stemming from a $2 million kickback and embezzlement scheme.
Joseph DeRusso admitted in federal court Friday that he took part in a plot that diverted $1 million in funds meant for food programs for parochial school children, and that he took more than $1.2 million in kickbacks from vendors doing business with the church.
DeRusso, of Florham Park, N.J., is the last of four employees or consultants of the archdiocese's purchasing arm, Institutional Commodity Services Inc., to plead guilty in the case.
The money diverted from the church's school food program went to companies the four defendants secretly owned and controlled, prosecutors said.
Authorities said the illegal payments and embezzlement took place from 1996 to 2004.
One more example to go along with my previous church postings. Parishioners' hard-earned money donated to help others, and the Pope's reaction to all the money lost by the church? _______________.
When will they be held accountable?
Angry woman gets revenge at McDonald's
Motorist allegedly runs down two women in dispute over service
ATHENS, Ga. - Police have been looking for a disgruntled McDonald's customer who ran into two other customers with her car after a dispute over who was next in line.
Melinda Ann Thomas, 34, and Linda Ann Thomas, 51, were standing in a crowded line around 8:30 a.m. Saturday as they waited to order breakfast, police said. A cashier opened a new line and they stepped to the front of it -- a move that angered another customer who was waiting to order.
According to the report, the unidentified woman started yelling at them and threatened to kill them.
The woman then left the restaurant before the Thomases and stayed in the parking lot, sitting in her dark blue Jeep Cherokee, witnesses told police. As the Thomases made their way to their car, witnesses said the woman pulled out of her parking space and sped toward the women, striking them both with the passenger side of the Jeep.
Student Arrested in McDonald's Attack
ATHENS, Ga. - A college student accused of hitting two McDonald's customers with her car after a dispute over who was next in line was ordered held Wednesday on $3,000 bond for each of two counts of aggravated assault.
Ruth Driscoll-Dunn, a 24-year-old student at the University of Georgia, was arrested Tuesday.
Is anything at McDonald's worth that?
Mom accused of helping son find robbery victim
MADISON, Wis. - A mother has been charged with helping her 13-year-old son search for someone to rob.
The boy told police his mother, Janine C. Lewis, drove him around Stoughton Tuesday night, helping him look for someone to rob.
The boy told police he had talked to her about committing robberies, but she discouraged him. Still, he said she agreed to drive him around to look for a victim.
They found a man at a car wash. She asked him if he really wanted to go through with it. He said he did, and she told him to be careful.
The boy approached the man with a gun and demanded money, he told police.
But the would-be victim realized the boy's gun was actually a BB gun. He knocked it out of the boy's hand, chased him down and held him until police arrived.
Officers tracked down Lewis at her home, where she gave officers a false name, according to the complaint. She also said she did not know her son was committing the robbery or that he had a gun, the complaint said. She also said she only happened by chance to be in the area when the robbery occurred, according to the complaint.
She later acknowledged she helped her son commit the robbery, saying she told him it was something they could do together, according to the complaint.
Here is another candidate for Mother of the year!!!
I don't remember these types of things being such an everyday-type event.
Have I gotten so old my memory has faded, or did the country come to a fork in the road and we made a wrong turn?
This is unacceptable behavior!!!!!!
Thanx for stopping by and please send a loud message by supporting the boycott!
Join me again tomorrow for all the news you can use @
All of this is very disturbing, especially the kitten story.
I checked out Montgomery Gentry's official site--here is the info if anyone wants to read their damage control statements or write a comment to them.
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