Crime Time
Turning the Good Book to ill uses
Indiana woman sentenced for smuggling coke to jailed husband in Bibles

Duckworth, who has three children, does not have a criminal history.
"When I committed this offense, I wasn't thinking about my children. It only took one time to learn a lesson."
Duckworth had admitted to placing bags of cocaine in the spines of two Bibles and having them delivered in March to her husband, Anthony Duckworth, who was in jail on a misdemeanor charge of visiting a common nuisance.
How many times have I said it in my blog - when they go to jail, they find God!!!! They really get into the Bible!!!
The Mom's statement "When I committed this offense, I wasn't thinking about my children." Would that be the smuggling part that she got caught at or the obviously illegal drugs that must have been a normal part of their household when her husband was at home?
By the way, my staff advises me they think the charge of visiting a common nuisance means he was caught visiting a hooker!!!
Tomahawk vs. Taser? My money's on Taser
Man tries to attack cop with Indian hatchet — effort doesn't go well

"Somebody's life was saved because of the Taser, and it was probably the defendant's," said Deposit Police Chief Timothy Roberts.
Thursday when Moore was pulled over for a routine traffic violation Moore got out of the car holding what looked like a hatchet, refused to drop it, and began swinging it as he approached the officer.
The officer asked Moore what he was doing with the hatchet, and he replied that he was having a really bad day and someone else was about to.
This guy never heard the expression 'don't take a knife to a gun fight.' He was right about someone is gonna have a bad day!!! Hee Hee, this is good stuff man!
Father Arrested After Three Kids Left in Rig

The children, ages 8, 12 and 13, were found in good condition and were turned over to Child Protective Services, said Fort Worth police Lt. Dean Sullivan. Ali was found nearby at a known neighborhood drug house and appeared to be under the influence of drugs.
Some of my other postings nominated the Mom for mother of the year, but here is equal time for father of the year!!!!
Bad Judge.
First football, then jail time (with no decoys)
Judge lets teens finish season before serving sentence for fake deer prank
KENTON, Ohio - A judge decided two high school athletes can complete the football season this fall before they serve 60-day jail sentences for a car crash caused by a decoy deer placed in a country road. Two teens were injured.
“I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm going to. I see positive things about participating in football,” Judge Gary McKinley said Tuesday.
Dailyn Campbell, a 16-year-old quarterback for Kenton High, and 17-year-old teammate Jesse Howard will serve their time in a juvenile detention center. They were also ordered to write a 500-word essay titled “Why I Should Think Before I Act.”
Last November, teens stole the decoy from a man’s home, created a base to help it stand upright because it had only two legs, and then drove up and down the road, watching as drivers swerved to avoid it.
Robert Roby Jr. crashed his car into a pole and broke his neck, collarbone, arm and leg. His passenger, Dustin Zachariah, suffered brain damage, Bailey said.
“None of these guys will ever know what our sons have gone through,” Roby’s mother, Mary, wrote to the court. “If they get nothing for what they’ve done, they’ll do something worse later. They need more than a slap on the wrist.”
This is a horrible judge. Not only a slap on the wrist but they got to play football as well while the victims of the prank suffered a broken neck, collarbone, arm and leg and suffered brain damage.
The judge sees positive things about participating in football but not jail? What about the fact that the two people injured can't play football? His statement “I shouldn't be doing this" is correct.

Good Judge.
Any trouble from you, and the bus ride gets longer!
Judge frustrated with teen indifference makes violators ride the school bus
PORTAGE, Ind. - An Indiana judge fed up with teenage traffic violators is hitting them where it hurts — in the driver's seat. Porter Superior Judge Julia Jent is sentencing the teens to the embarrassment of riding the school bus.
Jent got the idea after a girl in her court for a moving traffic violation appeared not to take seriously either the offense or the possible fine.
The judge said she knew she had reached the teen when she ordered her to park her car and ride the school bus and the girl started crying outside her courtroom.
Teens not complying will be fined and have their licenses suspended.
Jent also warns parents they could be held in contempt of court if they drive their child to school.
Now this is one smart, creative judge the likes of which we need a lot more of!!!
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