A Followup and a By You
As a followup to my post yesterday about the homeless in Vegas:
Orlando Bans Feeding Homeless Downtown

ORLANDO, Fla. - City officials have banned charitable groups from feeding homeless people in parks downtown, arguing that transients who gather for weekly meals create safety and sanitary problems for businesses.
City commissioner Patty Sheehan pushed for the ordinance after complaints from business owners and residents that homeless people were causing problems at a downtown park popular with joggers and dog walkers.
Robin Stotter, who is opening a restaurant downtown, said he would support homeless people by pledging money for food and shelter, but supported the ordinance. He said. "It's a safety issue, and the public deserves a safe place to be." The American Civil Liberties Union vowed to sue.
See, other cities agree with Las Vegas.
I wonder how many of the ACLU members donate time and money to the soup kitchens for the homeless?
I wonder how many at the ACLU have tried to hire a homeless person to do work at their homes or offices?
I again wonder why the ACLU never cares about our rights when homeless people are causing problems at a downtown park popular with joggers and dog walkers.
And now something near and dear to my heart. Woo Hoo!!!!
States Boost Speed Limits On Major Highways

Moves Come Despite Concerns Over Safety, High Gas Prices; 80 Miles Per Hour in Texas
Speed limits on stretches of freeways around the country are rising -- just in time for summer road trips. States around the country, including Texas and Michigan, have recently increased speed limits on hundreds of miles of interstate highways and freeways. Other states are expected to follow soon.
Near Detroit, drivers long confronted by signs telling them to go no more than 55 miles per hour or 65 mph are seeing new signs with 70 mph speed limits. By November, cruising at 70 mph will be allowed on nearly 200 miles of road, including parts of Interstate 75 and M-59, a major suburban route.
Texas has begun erecting 80 mph signs along 521 miles of I-10 and I-20 in 10 rural western counties, giving them the highest speed limit in the U.S. In September, Virginia is likely to boost the speed limit on I-85 near the North Carolina border to 70 mph from 65 mph.
Lawmakers in Texas, Michigan and other states say that raising speed limits will make roads safer by restoring credibility to speed-limit signs and making driving speeds more uniform. While transportation engineers acknowledge that raising speed limits hurts fuel efficiency, they contend that careful studies of traffic flow and driver behavior show that many speed limits are actually too low. Most drivers who exceed these low speed limits are doing it safely.
"In Texas, they are already going [80 mph] anyway," says Carlos Lopez, director of traffic operations at the Texas Department of Transportation. "People are driving where they feel comfortable."

Finally people are starting to listen. Many of us have been saying this for years.
It may come as a surprise to some of you, but the great State of Nevada was one of a few states that had no speed limits on open roads. That changed when the drive 55 bunk came about.
We (Nevada) should be leading the charge and set it at 85.!!!!!!

Will this cause more gas to be used? Not much as the majority of the drivers have been going faster anyway. If you are worried about gas consumption (using speed as the criteria of gas consumption) then you who drive 55 should back it down to 35 since it is more efficient.
It's time to follow Texas's lead and kick it up a notch to 80 at the very least, if not more, here in Nevada!!!!!!!!
(For demonstration purposes, I am going to use the word "you," not necessarily meaning the reader, but meaning certain drivers which may include you. I am going to use the term "I," meaning me.)
One thing though that is a nagging problem no matter the speed limit is slower traffic that won't keep right!!! This may come as a shock to many of you, but this topic is, was, and has been covered in the drivers' training manuals. Somehow you have forgotten that part, so all of the states have issued reminders to drivers by posting these subtle reminders along their roadways.

Then there are those of you who believe that since you are traveling at exactly the posted speed limit, that it's okay for you to hog the left-hand lane, and that nobody else has the RIGHT to pass you! You people obviously can't comprehend something as simple as "slower traffic keep right." Get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
So if you justify driving in the left lane by saying "you drive in the left lane just because you are driving the speed limit and no one should go faster," then you get a badge and drive one of these

If you don't, get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
You say you drive in the left lane to slow people down to save gas. Then ride a bike, and get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
You say you are driving in the left lane until you see how I approach you and then, depending on that approach you may or may not move to the right. Get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
You get mad when I flash my lights, to gently make you aware of my intentions to pass. Get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
This, as well, may come as a shock to many of you, but the topic of flashing lights is, was, and has been covered in the drivers' training manuals. Hello, you are slower and I am coming up on you faster than you are going. I know no other approach to pass you, so get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
You say when you are in the left lane and don't like someone right behind you, you hit the brakes. You might win the lawsuit, but you will lose the war. Tune into NASCAR - when hit from behind the car in front more times than not spins out of control and the car that bumped the back of that car goes on through. Remember I'm the guy behind you and more often than not, I will win the war, so get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
You like to drive in the left lane and as I am bouncing back and forth, waiting for a slot just half the size of your car that I can dart through to get past you, and I notice the sly smiles you exchange as I come by you, next time hit your brakes and let's go to war! I am coming by you!
You think it's cute to speed up to try to block me from passing you, which is OK by me because if you have a car that will do over 120 mph, I will follow you and if you don't, get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
At 85 to 100 miles per hour, I keep right until I reach a slower car because I am slower traffic keeping to the right except to pass. You do the same! Get the hell out of my way, I am coming by you!
The moral to this is simple: Don't be rude. When a faster car is coming up on you and you are in the left lane, just remember

and move to the right quickly because I am coming by you!
I think i got your point
So, does this mean we're going to Texas? Also, now we know where Elvis is. He's in Texas unveiling new speed limit signs.
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