Speak Up America
OK, for what readers I have, here are the questions of the day:
Senate Rejects Flag Burning Ban by One Vote

The proposed amendment, sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, read: "The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States."It represented Congress' response to Supreme Court rulings in 1989 and 1990 that burning and other desecrations of the flag are protected as free speech by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
OK, I have two questions on this:
1st. The majority of the voters wanted this bill to pass. Why did their elected officials disregard the people's wishes?
2nd. And this one gets me - how is burning the flag considered free speech? If that be the case then people can gather at the Washington Monument and destroy it in the name of free speech. I thought free speech was what you say, not what you do!!
Now here is the next question:
High Court Intervenes in Fight Over 29-Foot Cross

The Supreme Court intervened Monday to stop, at least for now, the removal of a large cross from city property in southern California. The 29-foot cross, on San Diego property, sits atop Mount Soledad. A judge declared the cross, a symbol of Christianity, was an unconstitutional endorsement of one religion over another.
The cross, which has been in place for decades, was contested by Philip Paulson, a Vietnam veteran and atheist.
In San Diego, the Mount Soledad cross was dedicated in 1954 as a memorial to Korean War veterans, and a private association maintains a veterans memorial on the land surrounding it.
Last year, San Diego voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot proposition to transfer the land beneath the cross to the federal government. The measure was designed to absolve the city of responsibility for the cross under the existing lawsuit. But a California Superior Court judge found the proposition to be unconstitutional.
OK I have three questions on this:
1st. And this is a big question people - if burning the United States Flag is freedom of speech then why is a Cross on top of a hill dedicated in 1954 as a memorial to Korean War veterans not considered freedom of speech and protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution???
2nd. Just one person complained, and this is a problem why?
3rd. Have you ever seen a dog all excited with its tail wagging 100 miles an hour, so much so that its whole body is moving? That, my friends, is called the tail wagging the dog - the small part (tail) making the large part (body) do what ever it wants it to.
That is what has happened to the majority of us. There is a small group of people dictating to the majority of people what they feel is politically correct. We have become fat, dumb, and happy while morals have gone by the way side and correctness by incorrect people has been running rampant.
It's time to wake up America. Where I was raised the majority ruled. When and why did that change? Oh, in case you wonder where I was raised, it was right here in the United States Of America.
The majority has become silent. Come on majority, let your voices be heard!!!!
And that's my opinion!!
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