Friday's Spin Zone
Some sad news today.
Mickey Mouse has lost his voice.
Longtime voice of Mickey Mouse dies
Wayne Allwine provided voice for 30 years, with his wife voicing Minnie. He was 62.
I guess I can't go to Disneyland again.
I guess Yogurt is better for you than I thought.
Daniel Carasso, creator of Dannon Yogurt, dies at 103
103 is a great testimony about how good Yogurt must be for you.
Well if you don't know where you are going, unless you can remember how to read a map, you might not get there.
GPS Satellites Could Break Down by 2010
According to a U.S. government report, the nation's satellites used for GPS may be failing and could even begin to malfunction by 2010.
This could mean that even if you can afford a vacation you won't be able to go because you won't know how to get there.
Cash and carry!
I was in a store the other day and I'm not sure if their sign doesn't work or if the store is a victim of hard times.

The reason congressmen try so hard to get re-elected is that they would hate to have to make a living under the laws they've passed.
Olympic Organizers
Canadian prostitutes get training for the Games.

Athletes, coaches and organizers aren't the only people getting ready for next year's Winter Olympics in Vancouver, with training also underway for the city's prostitutes.
A Canadian agency is preparing brochure, training, and support services for sex workers.
OK, I want to know what type training they receive and who does the training. I mean is this like hands on training or or?
So is it like the Olympics where they compete and the judges hold up the score?
Can't you hear the commentators after the judges post their scores, "That was just a 5.7 performance or that was a near perfect 9.5." "Wow John did you see that performance? I have never seen anything like that. Whoa that was a definite 10."
I bet that is a sought after coaching job.
Church bulletin
Sunday the wife Vicki brought home this flyer from her church.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
In closing always remember this:

Marbles anyone?
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