Will Jack Be Back?

Last night was the night it all ended one way or another.
By the time you read this post everything will have been answered.
Either Jack will die from his exposure to the pathogen, for which there is no known cure, or miraculously a cure will be found just in the nick of time for Jack to be cured and finally get to sleep after a jam packed 24 hours when he couldn't even work in a nap.
Prior to today, in the last 22 hours, only 378 people have died.
One can only hope that Olivia, the daughter of President Allison Taylor, and Kim, the daughter of Jack, are added to the number of people that die this season.
Oh yeah, let's hope Janis Gold dies with them as she is obnoxious. Besides Chloe O'Brian can handle the job just fine thank you very much and, if not, she can call on her husband Morris O'Brian for assistance.
I hope that stupid President Taylor has to resign for being so stupid allowing her daughter access to secret documents as well.
I wish I could have Chloe or Morris take a look at my computer to make it run a little faster.
There are a lot of loose ends to tie up in a very little time, so I suspect Jack will be very busy.
The bad thing about the season ending is T.V. will be boring.
The good news is we don't have to endure their stupid green energy commercials they run.
I like this one better:

If 24 comes back next season and Jack is alive, he will probably be in charge of the construction of a new bunker to house the Vice President in case of an emergency thanks to Joe Biden.
Biden gave an interview to Newsweek and he talks about the secret bunker. He said, a young naval officer gave him a tour of the residence and showed him the hideaway which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment.
The bunker, to be used in times of a national emergency, was secretly built into the official Vice President's residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington.
There might not be a reason to worry though. I'm sure the bad guys are not smart enough to read Newsweek.
I have not watched last night's episode of 24 yet. Guess I should have done that before reading your blog. Ha. I think Jack will be back and is already recovering. Remember when he entered the bus to recover the cannister, he got a huge dose of the gas. Since he was already infected, his body would reject the gas because his body was building an immunity to it. The overdose would speed that up and he will be well by fall. You read it here first. Gene
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