Wish'n And Hope'n
I wonder if any of my readers miss a few of the same things I do:
Cars with style

Green Stamps
At the price of gas do you know how many of these stamps you would get with a fill up? They would be as good as gold.
Speaking of gas, do you remember when we thought gas was outrageously expensive?
Cheaper gas?
Do you miss Coke in Glass Bottles?

How about the chest type Coke machines that used to be out in front of the gas stations.

As soon as the station closed we would open the lid, pop the tops off the bottles with our church key, slip two straws together and have ourselves a free Coke.
Speaking of service stations, I miss the days of the cigarette machines out front.
Thirty five cents into the cigarette machine for a pack of smokes,

four dollars worth of 35 cent a gallon gas in the tank,

hit the rest room, a quarter in the condom machine and you were set for the night.

I was out shopping the other day and trying to find something else I miss.
I didn't find it.
That's it for today, so it's time to hang up the sign,
grab a dime and hang out waiting for my favorite truck to come by.

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