Touchy Feely Stories
Many of you may remember my June 13th post regarding The Love Gov of the great state of Nevada.
Rumor has it that he and his friend Kathy may not be hanging out so much these days causing the Love Gov to shop around.
With all the budget woes the state has, our Love Gov has taken time out of his busy schedule to issue a proclamation:
Gibbons Names July Nevada Milk Month
Industry Provides Jobs In Rural Areas, Governor Says
I don't know if there is any truth to it, but I heard the Love Gov wants to personally inspect every milk producer in Nevada if you know what I mean.
Along those same lines, did you see this one?
Drunk American Airlines passenger grabs flight attendant's front of wife
A passenger got a little too hopped up on booze and proceeded to grab a flight attendant's buttocks after throwing a bunch of ice at his fellow travelers.
The passenger's name is Jacob Kline, and he was traveling on an American Airlines flight from Dallas to Charlotte on Tuesday. Kline started drinking rum and cokes and quickly became disruptive. (After three. Kind of a light weight, huh?)

After flight attendants refused to top him up for a fourth time, Kline allegedly took his cup of ice and started throwing cubes around the cabin. He then got up, started swearing and tussled with a flight attendant until someone the AP describes as "very large in size" subdued him.
And get this: Kline was traveling with his wife and two children.
The pilot reportedly requested a rapid descent landing. Kline was arrested and charged with being intoxicated and a whole host of other things.
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