God Is My Co-Pilot
Someone once taught me that the Constitution of the United States guaranteed my freedom of speech.
So pretty much all my life I have said what I want and occasionally someone doesn't like what I say, but I still have the right to say it.
Somewhere along the way some people in the minority have been able to change my rights so I can say what I want as long as no one person is offended.
I'm not sure when that happened, but it is not right.
A lot of free speech things may offend me, but I don't go on a crusade and make the majority of people stop just because I am offended.
Here is a classic case, and keep in mind I am not a Bible Thumper, but they have a right to free speech as well as anyone.
Here in Nevada as with many states you can purchase personalized plates showing other drivers things you support.
Sitting at a stop light and because you have freedom of speech, I am forced to see what you believe.
The plate may not promote, advertise or endorse any specific product, brand name, or service or promote any specific religion, faith or anti-religious belief.

The plates can support atomic bombs, unions and the Masons but not any religious group (they might want to revisit the Masons).
This is not the only state as others are being challenged.

The cross and stained glass themed plates with the phrase "I Believe" across the bottom were cooked up by the South Carolina Senator Larry Grooms and endorsed unanimously by the state legislature, and a similar effort is underway in Florida.
On those grounds, the plates may constitute a state sanctioning of one religion over another, and that raises the ire of non-Christians and free speech advocates.
The group, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, has filed a lawsuit to block these plates from seeing the light of day.
Do I want them on my car? No, no more than I would want the ones shown above on my car, but I do believe the believers have as much right to their fredom of speech as the nonbelievers do.
Isn't it strange how all this came about ? So few can change the laws of so many.
Good info. But, I would love it on my car. :o)
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