I Have to Vent - Part 2
We have gone completely stupid - part 2.
Believe or don't believe, that's up to you, however don't try to change things that are what they are just because you can.
Thanksgiving was established as a national day of giving thanks and praise to God.
The religious heritage of Thanksgiving continues in the tradition of saying grace at the beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday dinner.
National Thanksgiving Proclamations proclaim thanks for God’s providence in the events of the nation and, as President Washington explained in his Thanksgiving Proclamation, “for the many signal favors of Almighty God” in the lives of the people.
Now we have to say "Happy Turkey Day" instead of Happy Thanksgiving.
What's next? Are the vegetarians going to force Wendy's to stop advertising hamburgers?
Not to stop there, it gets worse:
Censoring Santa: no, no, no to Ho, Ho, Ho
Christmas (or should I say "Xmas" -- "the holiday season" maybe?) continues to be criminalized and the companies that make a business of tinsel, gaily wrapped packages and "ho, ho, ho" don't know whether to embrace or hide from the specter of political incorrectness.
I'm sorry. Did I offend you?
In the latest blow to the no-longer-holy holidays, Santas are being urged to say "ha, ha, ha," instead of "ho, ho, ho."
The "ho ho ho" phrase "could frighten children and could even be derogatory to women."
"Ho, ho, ho" is offensive? Santa's jolly greeting is more kid like than gangsta rap.
After all, what does "ho, ho, ho" remind you of, more, than "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"? Can't you just see a belly bouncing like a bowl
Oh, dear. Now I've just offended those with larger-than-normal normal body types.
How about Lowe's calling their fake spruces "Family Trees?"

So now for Christmas we are supposed to say "Happy Holidays give me a break."
The Marines can no longer be Gung Ho! When a sailor spots land he can no longer shout 'Land ho!' When traveling from the east one can no longer utter the words 'Westward ho!' And if I'm hungry I can't ask the store clerk for a Ho Ho!
I have had Jewish people wish me a Happy Hanukah and I have wished them Merry Christmas. Neither of us was offended as they were sharing their Happy celebration with me and I was sharing my Merry celebration with them.
Wow, simple huh? But not to some that want to find anything they can to call politically correct.
Soon we will have to genetically alter people so kids are born without the ability to speak.
Maybe that's not a bad idea as the majority of people that should speak, don't, and the minority that do, shouldn't.
Why is it people raise a fuss over things that don't hurt anyone, but ignore real issues?
That's my happy season rant for the week.
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