Back in Action
Hey, we are back from the three-day weekend. Had much to do when arriving back home so today's post is not what I intended, but time got the best of me.
Rich Dog Can't Buy Herself a Friend
She is a canine — the richest, most talked about and most controversial dog in a city of dogs. Mrs. Helmsley, the hotel magnate who died last month at age 87, showed her enduring love for her dog, whose actual name is Trouble, by leaving the dog $12 million in her will.

Now Helmsley's former housekeeper may revive a lawsuit, saying Trouble bit her repeatedly.
Zamfira Sfara, who worked for Helmsley in 2004, says she wears a brace on her wrist because of nerve damage from Trouble's bites. She sued Helmsley in 2005, but the case was dismissed.

Ms. Sfara sued her former boss over one of the dog bites. In 2005, a judge dismissed the case, agreeing with Mrs. Helmsley’s lawyers that she was insulated from liability under the Workers’ Compensation Law. Ms. Sfara said she still suffers pain from nerve damage from the bites and wears a brace on her right hand.
Here is a test for you: Choosing from the above pictures can you identify which one is the Bitch?
NASA Finds No Evidence in Alcohol Probe
An internal NASA investigation is unable to verify claims that astronauts drank heavily before launching into space. A health panel cited two unsubstantiated instances of heavy alcohol use in July.
So how did they verify they were not drunk, by watching films of the space shuttle to see if it was weaving all over the sky?
Speaking of astronauts I always thought they had to be a little crazy.
Ex-Astronaut Planning Insanity Defense
ORLANDO, Fla. - Former astronaut Lisa Nowak, 44, is pursuing a temporary insanity defense on charges that she assaulted and tried to kidnap a romantic rival, according to a court document released Tuesday.

Insanity. Ya think?
OK that's it for today. Come back tomorrow for more of nothing!!
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