Friday, June 01, 2007

Depressed Rantings of a Mad Man

It's Friday of a short week when one should be upbeat but I'm depressed today. The world has changed and there seems to be nothing I can do about it.

These are just a few of my concerns:

When did it become OK to abandon the golden rule?

When did it become a bar's responsibility when a person gets drunk and goes out and has an accident in their car?

When did it become the city's responsibility when someone steps off the curb wrong and twists their ankle?

When did it become the homeowner's responsibility when someone invited or not invited enters the property and injures themselves?

When did it become OK to disrespect your elders?

When did it become OK to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?

When did it become OK to burn the U.S. flag?

When did it become OK for a celebrity/athlete to murder someone?

When did it become OK for a celebrity/athlete to rape someone?

When did it become OK for a celebrity/athlete to raise dogs strictly for dog fighting?

When did it become OK to accept bribes?

When did smoking become bad, but drinking too much alcohol remained OK?

When did it become OK to ban cigarette companies from advertising on race cars but it remained OK to promote alcohol by advertising on those same cars?

When did it become OK for people to draw disability checks and not work at anything?

When did it become OK to give your word and not keep it?

When did it become OK for our government to send huge amounts of money to Africa to fight Aids, but spend very little on our own soil to do the same?

When did it become OK for our government to send huge amounts of money to other countries in time of natural disasters, but spend very little on our own soil to do the same?

When did it become OK to allow 12 million people to break the law and then give them amnesty?

When did it become OK to have to push a number on a phone to speak English?

When did it become OK to print voting ballots in any other language but English?

When did it become OK to start a war but not finish it?

When did it become OK for the politicians not the generals to dictate how wars would be fought?

When did it become OK to talk out loud or talk on a cell phone in a library?

When did it become OK to talk out loud or talk on a cell phone in a movie?

When did it become OK to show sex and violence on television?

When did it become OK to play songs on the radio about killing people?

When did it become OK to use the "F" word in normal conversation?

When did it become OK to let kids run wild?

When did it become OK to not teach kids manners?

When did it become OK to disrespect your parents?

When did it become OK to disrespect authority figures?

When did it become OK to check out more than 15 items in a 15 or less check out?

When did it become OK to run red lights?

When did it become OK to cut in in lines?

When did it become OK to think everyone owes you a living?

When did right go wrong?

I could go on and on for hours, but even if I did there is nothing I can do to turn back time and make wrong right again!!!!

After experiencing what was, it's sad to see what is.

Life in these United States will never be the same again!!


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job. I agree with most of your rants. :o)


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