Sad Days
Wow, who would have thought?
Rosie the big baby left The View early.

I'm crushed. Now what will I watch in the mornings?
Lindsay Lohan crashed her car due to drugs and alcohol.

There goes her next movie I was waiting for. Maybe her last movie with Hanoi Jane Fonda pushed her back to drugs!!
Speaking of drugs:
Bonds Hording Historical Artifacts for Himself
Giants Slugger Might Keep Memorabilia From Hall

As Barry Bonds nears his record 756th home run, he's stockpiling quite a collection of souvenirs - bats, balls, helmets and spikes, pieces of baseball history perfectly suited for the Hall of Fame.
Whether he'll donate any of them to Cooperstown, however, is in doubt.
"I'm not worried about the Hall," the San Francisco slugger said during a recent homer drought. "I take care of me."
That's good Barry because Cooperstown would have to discount the price of admission to enter since your record is drug-assisted.
Aaron, who has said he will not attend the record-breaker, is well-documented at the Hall. There are 40 assorted items from his career; Ruth is remembered with more than 30.
You aren't worthy to have your name used in the same breath as Ruth and Aaron.
Finally her 15 minutes of fame are over:
Anti-War Mom Gives Up on Peace Movement

"I'm going home for a while to try and be normal," she said.
In what she described as a "resignation letter," Sheehan wrote in her online diary on the Daily Kos blog: "Good-bye America ... you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can't make you be that country unless you want it.
"It's up to you now."
Well, for openers, she is anything but normal.
Second, since America is not the country she loves then I for one will give her a one-way nonrefundable plane ticket to Venezuela to live with Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's leftist president that she visited and had photo ops with.
Good-bye Cindy, nobody will miss you!!
Let's see what's new with our neighbors south of the border:
Miss USA Rachel Smith, who slipped and fell to the floor during the evening gown competition, was jeered by the Mexican audience during the interview phase.
So they want us to open our borders, but they treat our citizens with no respect when we visit their country!!
I hear the Mexican people have started eating Chinese food in preparation for taking over America, since that seems to be where all our imports are from lately.
Lets ask this, since we are told the American people don't want to work anymore (thus welcome the Mexicans) and our social security fund is going broke, what will become of all the unemployed American people including the ones that were on social security?
How hard will it be to sneak across the Canadian border I wonder?
Good news out of China
China's Ex-Food, Drug Chief to Be Executed
BEIJING - China's former top drug regulator was sentenced to death Tuesday for taking bribes to approve untested medicines, as the country's main quality control agency announced its first recall system for unsafe food products.
The developments are among the most dramatic steps Beijing has publicly taken to address domestic and international alarm over shoddy and unsafe Chinese goods from pet food ingredients and toothpaste mixed with industrial chemicals to tainted antibiotics.
This is good but not good enough. He has been relieved of duty for a long time and it is still a problem.
Once again we are at mid week and are headed on the downhill slide as are my posts. Come back tomorrow for much to-do about nothing!!
Right on, Regis!!! :o)
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