Who'da Thought
Why you should smoke Marlboros:
Florida Woman Dies After Camel Sits on Her
WEWAHITCHKA, Fla. - An owner of an exotic animal farm has died after being kicked and then sat on by a camel. Cathie Ake and the 4-year-old camel were being filmed by a local television station on Sunday when the camel kicked her and then sat down during a break in filming.
When the TV station said "break time, smoke'em if you got em," the animal got upset when the woman lit up a Camel!!
Coyote visits Chicago sandwich shop
Wild animal walks into downtown Chicago sandwich shop, chills in cooler

CHICAGO - For one day, at least, the roadrunner was safe. It seems the coyote was hankering for another kind of fast food. Employees and customers at a downtown Chicago Quizno's sandwich shop were stunned to see a coyote walk through the propped-open front door Tuesday afternoon and lie down in a cooler stocked with fruit juice and soda.
He just wanted to pick out a drink to go with that sandwich.
I like this story:
Couple sets up radar gun and video cameras, catches cop speeding in neighborhood. Officer wants couple arrested for stalking.
A Bartow County couple will go before a magistrate judge today to see if they will be arrested for allegedly stalking a Kennesaw police officer by installing cameras to track neighborhood speeders.
Lee and Teresa Sipple spent $1,200 mounting three video cameras and a radar speed unit outside their home, which is at the bottom of a hill. They have said they did so in hopes of convincing neighbors to slow down to create a safe environment for their son.
The Sipples allegedly caught Kennesaw police officer Richard Perrone speeding up to 17 mph over the speed limit. Perrone alerted Bartow authorities, who in turn visited the Sipples' home to tell them Perrone intended to press charges against them for stalking.
Now don't you just love this one?
The cop is filing charges!!!
Caught in a speed trap and it doesn't feel good!!
I'm sure he has heard all the excuses he could give so he invented the stalking one.
Try that one next time a cop stops you for speeding!!!! Wait, I will probably be the next one stopped, so I will try it.
Kids take a car trip, in the trunk
Man arrested, accused of reckless endangerment
PORTLAND, Ore. - An Oregon man on vacation with his family is accused of putting two of his four children in a car trunk because the vehicle was too small to hold all of them.
Douglas Willy, his fiancee and their four children were taking a trip but the vehicle did not fit all six passengers, so he decided two of the children would ride in the trunk to avoid taking a second vehicle.
Police said a 12-year-old and 13-year-old were in the trunk, and had been riding inside for about 20 miles.
Hey kids what did you see on your summer vacation?
If the car was too small for six, then how big could the trunk have been?
Talk about a brain trust between good ol' Doug and his fiancee. Oregon huh, they smoke primo stuff there I hear!!!
Maybe Doug moved to Oregon:
Do you know the reason why it's so hard to solve a redneck murder?
All the DNA is the same.
That's all there is for terrible Tuesday. See you tomorrow I hope.
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