Monday Blues
Welcome back to another start of the week.
Normally I would have all kinds of interesting stuff on here but not today.
Why not you ask?
Well let me explain;
My editor in chief Pat is flirting with the flu.
I wouldn't want to take a chance of you catching the flu from her posting, so I am attempting the posting instead.
Since she does all the postings on here for me and my next post includes pictures that I can't figure out how to put them on here, this is a no brainer, wait til she is better!!
Now I know not having a normal post will cause some of you to fall into a depressed state, but I ask you for a little patience.
Patience like the lady in the following;
An very patient elderly Florida resident had the power restored to her home recently. Hurricane Andrew knocked the power out fifteen years ago. - KPIX-TV.
I don't expect it will take Pat that long to get well so thank you for your understanding about today's post.
Hopefully Pat will feel better tomorrow and all will be back to normal.
Get Well Pat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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