Do you suffer from it?
If you do then today, Friday the 13th, is a real bad day for you!!!
I can't even pronounce the word but I know the fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they are simply unable to get out of bed when Friday the 13th rolls around.
It's been estimated that [U.S] $800 or $900 million is lost in business on this day because people will not fly or do business they would normally do.
If you have paraskavedekatriaphobia, I sympathize with you.
For those of you that don't have it, oh yeah baby it's another Friday Woo Hoo.
Can you believe the one day of the week we all get excited about is Friday.
Yeah Friday, you know the day that falls in between Thursday and Saturday.
In astrology Friday is connected with the planet, Venus. This associates Friday with love, peace and relaxation, as well as, with emotional intensity and quashed dreams.
So it is Friday, tell the wife not to get emotional and quash your dreams of a little relaxation and peace and love you are looking for.
Just remind her the phrase TGIF is a popular acronym for Thank God (or Goodness) It's Friday, expressing relief at the end of the working week and anticipation of relaxing or partying over the weekend.
That means Saturday and Sunday, as they are commonly called, are considered the weekend and are days of rest and recreation.
That is unless your wife has a list of honey do's!!
If you party on the weekend you better be careful and not get so carried away you get blurred vision.

If you are looking for some weekend fun there is an old game making a comeback, so suggest to the wife a game of "Butts Up"

OK that being said, you better be safe and do like I do - look over her list of honey do's and prioritize the most important items on that list.
Those items, if finished, will pacify her because as we all know there is no way to complete them all in a weekend!!
If you don't though, you could suffer this fate!

While working so hard to get all those things done on her list, just remember there is always someone out there that will be willing to give you a hand!

There is your assignment for Friday and the weekend, so carry on.
In keeping with my peace and relaxation, once again I will take the weekend off.
And on Monday, just remember you never know when someone, somehow or somewhere might ask you
"Have you read Wag's blog today?"
Love, peace and relaxation to you all!!
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