Does the Word 'Stupid' Work?
Hey, we made it to Thursday. Let's see what twisted tale I have for you today.
Hide in plain sight?
Man With 500 Parrots in a Car Arrested
ALMATY - Kazakh border guards arrested a man trying to smuggle 500 parrots in his car from neighboring Uzbekistan, media reported on Tuesday. "Border guards discovered a live cargo of 500 parrots in his car. It was unclear how the parrots fit into the Kazakh man's Audi.
Those Audis advertise head and leg room, but 500 parrots and no one would notice!! Stupid award for sure!!
I have found a new airline I will fly whenever it is available:
Toddler's Temper Ousts Family From Plane
ORLANDO, Fla. - AirTran Airways on Tuesday defended its decision to remove a Massachusetts couple from a flight after their crying 3-year-old daughter refused to take her seat before takeoff.
AirTran officials said they followed Federal Aviation Administration rules that children age 2 and above must have their own seat and be wearing a seat belt upon takeoff.
"The flight was already delayed 15 minutes and in fairness to the other 112 passengers on the plane, the crew made an operational decision to remove the family," AirTran spokeswoman Judy Graham-Weaver said.
Julie and Gerry Kulesza, who were headed home to Boston on Jan. 14 from Fort Myers, said they just needed a little more time to calm their daughter, Elly. "We weren't given an opportunity to hold her, console her or anything," Julie Kulesza said in a telephone interview Tuesday.

One look tells you this kid is never disciplined by her parents.
The Kuleszas said they told a flight attendant they had paid for their daughter's seat, but asked whether she could sit in her mother's lap. The request was denied.
She was removed because "she was climbing under the seat and hitting the parents and wouldn't get in her seat" during boarding, Graham-Weaver said.
The Orlando-based carrier reimbursed the family $595.80, the cost of the three tickets, and the Kuleszas flew home the next day. They also were offered three roundtrip tickets anywhere the airline flies, Graham-Weaver said.
The father said his family would never fly AirTran again.
This is good news for all of us that have a choice to fly AirTran!

Take a close look at the picture and tell me this guy gets to say anything. I'll bet his ol' lady never shuts up.
I think you know what name is used to describe the Mom / Wife!! Close, but not witch. You have to change the first letter!
And the Mom says "We weren't given an opportunity to hold her, console her or anything." Maybe that is because she was climbing under the seat and hitting the parents. 15 minutes worth no less.
Had Dr. Spock been on that plane I wonder if he would have said you should not spank a child.
Boy's Screaming Killed Chickens, Court Rules
BEIJING - Hundreds of chickens have been found dead in east China -- and a court has ruled that the cause of death was the screaming of a four-year-old boy who in turn had been scared by a barking dog.
The bizarre sequence of events began when the boy arrived at a village home in the eastern province of Jiangsu in the summer with his father who was delivering bottles of gas.
A villager was quoted as saying the little boy bent over the henhouse window, screaming for a long time, after being scared by the dog.
"One neighbor told police that he had heard the boy's crying that afternoon and another villager confirmed the boy screaming by the henhouse window.
A court ruled the boy's screaming was "the only unexpected abnormal sound" and that 443 chickens trampled each other to death in fear.
The boy's father was ordered to pay 1,800 yuan, or $230, in compensation to the owner of the chickens.
I think AirTran oughta fly this kid to Massachusetts to visit the Kulesza family in the previous story.
It somehow seems fitting to me. Poetic justice, I think, is the proper phrase!
Oh yeah, they need to send the dog that scared him too just to make sure he does it again!!!
Sorry for the glitch in Wednesday's post as I'm sure you were all disappointed in not seeing a post due to the technical difficulties.
Return tomorrow for much more of a lot less!!
that kid is still pitching a fit in her mother's arms and mom's defending the little rat. glad they got kicked off. too bad they don't get it. And yes, send in the screaming kid.
400+ chickens?.?.?.?. way weird
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