Hard to Believe
Las Vegas the most popular convention city of the world
Poop scoopers dig clients out of deep doo-doo
Professionals share secrets of pet projects

To shovel or to rake pooch poop, that was the question.
It's not exactly the life and death argument that Hamlet faced, and it certainly doesn't reach the epic ferocity of "tastes great" versus "less filling." But if you don't take poop scooping seriously, then you probably never have had to scoop poop for a living.
About 50 professional turd herders descended on Las Vegas this weekend for the APAWS -- Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists -- annual convention, where various techniques for removing pet waste from clients' yards were discussed, debated and laughed at.
Reminds me of a Cheech and Chong movie, "look at this man what is it?, hum looks like dog chit to me, wo smell it, um smells like dog chit to me, taste it, huh? taste it ugg taste like dog chit to me, well it must be dog chit then!!
From Porn conventions to Poop conventions what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!!!
Speaking of crap:
Jackson Resolves $100,000 Tab at Pharmacy

LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson has amicably resolved a lawsuit filed by a Beverly Hills pharmacy that claimed the singer owed more than $100,000 for prescription drugs during the past two years, his spokeswoman said Friday.
Is it just me or does that seem like a lot of prescription drugs for two years?
If that were you or me, we would be investigated!!
Moms Enter Pleas in Middle-School Brawl
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - One mother pleaded no contest and another pleaded not guilty on Thursday in a mother-daughter brawl at a middle school.
Authorities said Ana Rivera, 44, who pleaded not guilty on a simple assault charge, drove her suspended 13-year-old daughter to Woonsocket Middle School on Monday so she could fight another 13-year-old girl.
Both students' mothers, two other girls and a teacher were eventually involved in the fracas.
The second mother, 34-year-old Maribel Santiago, pleaded no contest to simple assault.
She said she went to the school to pick up her daughter because of recent threats. Authorities said she hit a school official who tried to break up the fight.
"I believe they are making a big deal out of a simple thing," Santiago said outside court. She said that with the plea "at least my record is going to be clean."
This has to be the quote of the day "I believe they are making a big deal out of a simple thing."
My daughter can beat your honor student's A#%!!!
"When it comes to the human brain, we're not equipped."
Good news for a lot of women in California:
Here's a "Perky" story:
Ban on Silicone Breast Implants Lifted
WASHINGTON - The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety concerns, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.
Proponents say silicone-gel implants look and feel more natural than do those filled with saline, or salt water. Breast implants have grown in popularity for augmentation, despite a history of lawsuits. Last year, 291,000 women had their breasts surgically enlarged in the United States, a 37 percent increase since 2000.
291,000 - Is it real or is it Memorex?
The rupture issue persists: The implants do not last a lifetime, and eventually they must be removed or replaced, according to the FDA. A 2000 Institute of Medicine report found rupture rates as high as 77 percent.
Wow 77% must like it rough!!
Makeum big makeum bold makeum something everyone wants to hold!!!
Now that was a very uplifting story!
Buy stock in this company:
German Sex Educators Plan Spray-On Condom
BERLIN - German sex educators plan to launch a spray-on condom tailor-made for all sizes.
Jan Vinzenz Krause from the Institute for Condom Consultancy, a Singen-based practice that offers advice on condom use, said the product aimed to help people enjoy better and safer sex lives.
"We're trying to develop the perfect condom for men that's suited to every size of penis," he said. "We're very serious."
Krause's team (spraykondom.de) is developing a type of spray can into which the man inserts his penis first. At the push of a button it is then coated in a rubber condom.
"It works by spraying on latex from nozzles on all sides," he said. "We call it the '360 degree procedure' -- once round and from top to bottom. It's a bit like a car wash."
Krause said the plan is to make the product ready for use in about five seconds. He said it would function more effectively as a contraceptive because it would fit better and not slip.
However, before the new condom can be sold in shops, the firm must ensure that the latex is evenly spread when sprayed, as well as optimize the vulcanization process.
Krause hopes the high tech condom, which will be available in different strengths and colors, will on the market by 2008.
He said the spray can would likely cost some 20 euros ($26) as a one-off purchase. The latex cartridges -- sufficient for up to 20 applications -- would cost roughly 10 euros, he said.
Maybe it will be marketed by the "Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company!!!"
Oh, time out, have you used your spray today?
Everyone will want to optimize the vulcanization process.
A spray a day keeps the baby away!!
When using the product just remember the immortal words of Johnny Cockran "If the glove doesn't fit you must a quit!!!!"
That's Wag's world for today.
Come back for a visit tomorrow and remember just like at Motel 6 I'll leave the light on for you.
I think Michael Jackson should pay US the 100K for having to look at his creepiness. Looking at that picture - now I need a seditive. ICK.
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