For the Love of Dogs
You're traveling to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound...but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land, whose boundaries are only that of the're entering Wag's blog.
In my never-ending quest to add a little variety into my daily blog I submit the following for your perusal.
This is Annie, she is an Australian Shepherd.

Her Mom, Maria, forwarded the following inner strength story to me and I thought you might enjoy it as well.
If you can start the day without caffeine or pep pills,
If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you time,
If you can overlook when people take things out on you when, through no fault of yours, something goes wrong,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,
If you can face the world without lies and deceit,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without liquor,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
Then you are probably a dog.
Maybe we could all learn from dogs!!!
By Wag
For anyone that has dogs this story they will understand.
For those that don't, this story may be bland.
To some the way we cater to our dogs may sound sappy,
But to a true dog lover there's nothing better than seeing them happy.
This is about how dogs have come to manipulate the world we know,
Simply because to the park they want to go.
They bring you a brush and want you to comb their hair,
They want to be looking good because all their friends will be there.
Dogs can't talk but with loving eyes they can communicate,
Every night when they say let's go to the park and not be late.
They act like they are not trying to get you to hasten,
But back and forth they keep pacin'.
The sun is setting and it's getting dark,
Then the look of have you noticed it's time to leave for the park.
They know the trip there is not too far,
They just can't wait to jump into the car.
Even though we fill their bowl and give them great eats,
The dogs know Vicki will be at the park with two suitcases filled with treats.
Some of the dogs like to walk, some like to run,
But one thing is for sure they all seem to have fun.
All the new dogs that come by, the regular dogs like to greet,
For some reason they smell each others behinds, not their feet.
It's for sure the owners don't like it that way,
But that's how dogs socialize so what can you say.
Every night the adults solve the world problems with their roundtable chat,
Don't tell the dogs, but I think the adults really like that.
You can count on Wednesdays for a larger crowd to meet,
Everyone knows that day Pat brings homemade cookies for the humans to eat.
So when it's cold at the park we keep the fire burning bright,
Because for the people and dogs their trip to the park is the day's end delight.
No matter if it is hot, cold, windy, raining or even if the snow should into the park drift,
We will still take them to Mountain Crest Park for the night shift!
That's the best I have for today.
If you are brave, return tomorrow just to see if anything good is on here!!
I just loved everything about today's blog. The picture of Annie is so sweet and precious. Maria's contribution about Inner Strengh is great food for thought and a great reminder. And, loved the poem. The content is right on the money. :o)
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