What Can You Say
Pay up, or we break your ladyfingers ...
Akron, Ohio, Girl Scouts sue to recover $9,000 in uncollected cookie debts

The Girls Scouts are pursuing 12 court claims in Akron, Ohio, for uncollected cookie money ranging from $54 to $3,500. The claims total $9,000.
The Scouts say the deadbeats, all adults, picked up cookies and signed for them.
I know, I know, girl scout cookies are good, but adults stiffing kids is bad! The person that owes $3,500.00 must love cookies!!
Breaking news: Breast implants safe!
The breast job that saved a life
Hospital: Shrapnel from rocket lodged in implants, sparing Israeli woman
JERUSALEM - An Israeli woman's breast implants saved her life when she was wounded in a Hezbollah rocket attack during Israel's war with the Lebanese group, a hospital spokesman said Tuesday.
Doctors found shrapnel embedded in the silicone implants, just inches from the 24-year-old’s heart.
I think almost every man is pleased to hear that breast implants are safe for women. All the bad rap is out the window - now it a safety issue.
Woman Fatally Mauled While Bathing Dog
CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. - A woman who was fatally mauled by her dog was trying to give it a bath when it attacked, police said.
Shawna Willey, 30, died Friday. Her daughter apparently witnessed the attack by the 120-pound Presa Canario. It was not clear what made the dog attack.
When police arrived at the house, the officers saw the dog standing over the woman's body in the backyard near the swimming pool. The dog made aggressive movements toward officers when they entered the yard, so they shot and killed it.
Willey was cited in Hillsborough County several years ago for having dangerous dogs, according to court records.
For the record:
In the 19th century, Mastiffs and Old-style Bulldogs appeared on the Canary Islands. They were crossed with the native dogs and the end result was the Canary dog, also referred to as the Canario dog.

The purpose of the new breed was for fighting, which was rather popular at that time. The dogs were strong and agile. They were famous for their game and courage. Presa Canario dogs of the time were considered a great fighting machine, yet started to decline in numbers after the sport of dog fighting was outlawed.
Sometimes people get what they deserve. It's called poetic justice, or you reap what you sow. She raised it as a mean dog so it was just doing what it had been taught!! Or maybe she used perfumed shampoo!
Teen Kills Her Mom During Driving Lesson
FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, N.J. - A 15-year-old girl accidentally struck and killed her mother while being taught how to parallel park, police said.
Tina Rowe, 39, died Saturday after being pinned under a 1997 Chevy Cavalier driven by her daughter. Police believed the girl may have hit the gas pedal instead of the brake.
Driver training 101 teaches the new driver what each pedal does, teaches them how to go straight, stop, and back up. How to parallel park would be the last thing a driver learns, and the most important point is don't get out of the car to observe - you need to be in the car with the student. Tragic.
Ex-SLA member Olson ‘paranoid’ in prison
Says she tries to hide radical past from other inmates, mask emotions

“I’m older — oh, who am I kidding, I’m old — and I’ve become really paranoid,” Olson, 59, said in an article published Monday. “I’ve also become very good at masking my emotions. It scares my daughters, when they see my face, but in here, it’s just what you do to survive.”
Before she arrived in prison, Olson thought her stay would be educational, but now, she said, “I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone.”
Oh, don't you just feel so sorry for her? I am certainly glad prison is not educational for her. She lived the good life and roamed free for 24 years, so as they say "bitch," paybacks are a bitch!!!
Can you say: I smell a book deal?
And that's a wrap for this Tuesday. Share this site with a friend. See you tomorrow @
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Those deadbeats in the Girl Scout cookie caper make the rest of us feel crummy, too. Pun intended. :o)
I forgot about Girl Scout cookies the first time I had a cookie from one of your editor's batches!!! Can you imagine how much they would try to steal from her??!!!
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