Priest Protests $115 Parking Ticket While on Job

"On humanitarian grounds, the law should not be interpreted and applied so stringently that it will prohibit a religious leader from doing his work," the priest said.
Forson said he knew the spot was illegal but he didn't have time to look for a legal spot because he had just received a call from a parishioner desperate to find a priest to administer the sacrament of the sick to her mother. He placed his clergy parking permit on the dashboard and went in.
City Finance Department spokesman Owen Stone stood by the city's decision, saying Forson was parked in an ambulance zone.
"They need to keep those clear," he said. "Blocking that puts lives at risk, that's why the ticket got upheld."
Maybe he figured if he blocked the ambulances there would be more people in need of him to administer the sacrament of the sick so he could do more than one while he was there.
Or maybe like a lot of the Catholic priests, he thought he was above the law!!!!
If you have followed my posts regarding the Catholic Church and their waste of millions, then maybe you wonder as I do why they are complaining about $115.00.
Police Crash Into Suspect Under Surveillance
JERUSALEM - Israeli police tailing a suspected senior underworld figure accidentally crashed into his vehicle.

But Tuesday, a police officer fell asleep at the wheel of his car and crashed into the man's vehicle in the southern city of Ashkelon, slightly injuring him.
If he didn't know he was being followed before, he does now. The suspect must be boring to follow. So boring the cop fell asleep!
These cops sound like Keystone cops. Wait, was it Mel Gibson they were following?
Younger and younger drivers
Van-Driving Tyke Disrupts Traffic

"He was seemingly intent on experiencing the daily traffic chaos and simply jumped behind the wheel of his dad's Mercedes Vito and went off to explore."
During his short journey, the toddler stalled the van several times in the middle of the road and a passer-by alerted police.
In my 8-1-06 post I reported on a 5-year-old driving a Cadillac Escalade. Man, these kids nowadays have expensive tastes in cars!!! What kind will they want when they are 6 or 7???
What gives the driveway that crunch? Hubby
Napping Arkansas man wakes up, moans when wife turns in to park car
ROGERS, Ark. - A man who fell asleep in his driveway woke up when his wife came home and turned into the driveway to park the car.

When she got out of her vehicle, she heard moaning and found her husband, Richard Gonzalez, on the ground near her vehicle. Bolson said she did not initially see her husband in the driveway.
The real story is he was drunk and passed out on the driveway.
Now the question, was she returning home after midnight because she had been out looking for him, and when her light hit the driveway she was blinded by rage and hit the gas instead of the brake? You be the judge!!!
May your Sunday be a good one!! Send your friends and relatives here and you come back for a visit soon for all the news you can use @
Ouch! Painful lesson for the guy. Good work with the blog--keeping it going even while out of town. Good job. :o)
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