Cats and Snakes
Boy in Hot Water Over 'Meow'
Angry Neighbor Sues, Saying It's Harassment
JEANNETTE, Pa. - Meow. A district judge has been asked to decide whether that word is a harmless taunt or grounds for misdemeanor harassment. Jeannette police charged a 14-year-old boy for "meowing" whenever he sees his neighbor, 78-year-old Alexandria Carasia.
The boy's family and Carasia do not get along. The boy's mother said the family got rid of their cat after Carasia complained to police that it used her flower garden as a litter box.
The boy testified Tuesday that he only meowed at the woman twice. Carasia testified, "Every time he sees me, he meows."
I know she is 78, but I think the kid is funny. I like the way he thinks! They could have compromised and kept the cat if he cleaned the flower bed, but I bet she wanted no part of that, rather she just wanted to complain!! Set him free!!!
Mountain Lion Shacks Up in Colorado Home
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A mountain lion ran into a home Tuesday and escaped through a window about an hour later.
Soon after he arrived home from work, Clifton Sanches said he heard his dogs barking loudly outside.
"I got up to shut the dogs up and a mountain lion came through my window, it came right through my screen door." He went to a neighbor's house to call for help and he and sheriff's deputies waited outside the house. About an hour later, the big cat butted its head against a screened window before breaking through and running away.
So this mountain lion was talking to the bear who told him about his relatives who have been going into houses, hotels, and cars and helping themselves to food (see my previous posts). I bet the dogs had never seen a cat like that!!!
Rattlers Freed in 'Snakes' Theater Prank

Movie chain AMC Entertainment Inc. said pranksters at one of its Phoenix theaters released two live diamondback rattlesnakes during a showing of the film "Snakes on a Plane." They were both removed, and no one was harmed. The snakes were later released in the desert.
There will be a lot more of this, so since this movie is supposed to be the blockbuster of the year and I hate snakes, I guess I will have to rent it!!!
Kitten Gets Wedged in Car Dashboard
ROCKAWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. - Curiosity didn't kill the cat. But a kitten got stuck behind the dashboard of a woman's SUV after climbing through a hole in the glove compartment.
The woman went to the Rockaway Township Municipal Building for help after food wouldn't lure the tabby out.
Rockaway Township animal control officer Dan McDonald and veterinarian Steven Hodes tried to grab the cat. But the frightened animal just crawled deeper into the dash.
The vet managed to inject the kitten with an anesthesia and they pulled the drowsy feline out unharmed without having to dismantle the dashboard.
I bet that cat was in the country illegally and didn't have papers. Why else would it be hiding in the dash!!
That's it for Saturday. Come back Sunday for all the news you can use @
Editor's note: For those of you who had been following geriatric1927 on YouTube, he did post a new video today with the promise of more to come. Click here to see the latest.
Oh, and by the way,
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Great job on the blog.
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