Flying High Now
Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars, let me know what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars.

Wannabe astronauts willing to shell out big bucks are about to come one step closer to realizing their dream.
On Monday, Virgin Galactic will unveil part of a top-secret project that could be the start of a new era in space tourism.

British billionaire Sir Richard Branson and American aerospace designer Burt Rutan are due Monday to show off their mothership, which is designed to air launch a passenger-toting spaceship out of the atmosphere.
It is designed to launch a passenger-carrying spaceship out of the Earth's atmosphere.
Aerospace engineers have been holed up in a Mojave Desert hangar for four years, fashioning a commercial spaceship to loft rich tourists some 62 miles above Earth. Now the wraps come partially off the top-secret project.
Space tourism advocates hope it will climax with the first suborbital joy rides by the end of the decade.
More than 250 wannabe astronauts have paid $200,000 or put down deposits for a chance to float weightless for a mere five minutes.
The risk associated with space flight is you never know who you might run into.

Former NASA astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, shown in 1972, claims that Earth has been visited by aliens and that governments have covered up contact with aliens for more than 60 years.

Mitchell claimed the infamous 1947 incident in Roswell, N.M., where several people saw an alien spacecraft crash, did in fact happen.
I think Edgar may be confusing the alien with the boogie man.
I well remember the boogie man.
The boogie man has no specific appearance but it is just an amorphous embodiment of terror.
Should you lay down the scratch for the flight, keep a keen eye out.

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