Friday, July 25, 2008

Week In Review

Wow, here I am back to Friday again and I don't have anything memorable to put on here today.

Oh wait, there was a breaking news story about how gas dropped a penny a gallon.

Another one about Obama going to the Middle East so he can try to speed learn about foreign policy.

Not to be left out was John McCain mixing up countries, Shiites and Sunnis, and even confusing one NFL team for another.

Then there was President Bush. After asking his audience to turn off their video cameras, he proceeds to tell the crowd during a fundraiser in Texas that Wall Street "got drunk and now it's got a hangover." Big surprise someone kept a camera running, and the video hit YouTube.

What about the two billionaires who are pooling funds to fight smoking.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg have committed $375 million toward efforts to support projects that raise tobacco taxes, help smokers quit, ban tobacco advertising and protect nonsmokers from exposure to smoke.

To a lot of you, and myself included, that idea is good except supporting projects that raise tobacco taxes is just plain wrong.

You may remember the New Yorker magazine cover with Obama and his wife.

Now Vanity Fair magazine has their McCain and wife cover to counter.

It features John McCain and his wife in a similar Oval Office setting. He's using a walker and she's cradling an armful of prescription pill bottles.

Then there was this little tidbit:

Air Force Missile Launch Crew Fell Asleep

In yet another unfortunate misstep by the Air Force this year, three ballistic missile crew members fell asleep on the job while holding classified launch code devices.

It turns out the probe found that the missile launch codes were outdated and remained secure at all times.

That does beg the question, if a launch was called for and if the codes were outdated, even if you woke them up there would be a failure to launch.

As if we don't have enough problems with the price of fuel, we have a huge fuel oil spill that shuts Mississippi River.

More than 400,000 gallons of fuel oil spilled into the Mississippi River around New Orleans Wednesday after a chemical tanker and a fuel barge collided overnight. The Coast Guard closed a 29-mile stretch of the river as crews scrambled to contain the spill. Here, tug boats hold up the barge, which split in half.

You know that breaking news story about the price of gas dropping a penny? Well this will cause it to go up a nickle.

That's it for this week, enjoy the weekend.


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