Ripped Off
OK here's the deal. When I was a kid I was the one that always got picked last.
I was always the one picked to be in the middle during dodge ball.
I was the one that was "it" in tag and when I covered my eyes and counted to ten all the kids went home so there I was for hours searching the playground for them.
As I grew older I was always the one that had sand kicked in his face at the beach.
I was always the one that ordered a double hamburger and never got the second patty. Wendy's stole my line and put it in a money-making commercial and I got nothing. You may remember the commercial, it was a little old lady saying my line "Where's The Beef?"
Well today was the last straw. No more. That's it. Finished. Done. You are not going to push me around anymore.
I contacted an attorney to handle my case. Well, I called all of them in the phone book and finally the last one seemed eager to take the case.
He said he was not a full-fledged attorney yet, but that he had stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once so he was well-versed on the law.
Here's the deal. Today I took my one-gallon gas can to the gas station to get gas for my lawnmower. Simple enough, right? Ha! Think again.

Gas is $3.99 and 9/10 a gallon, so I went inside and gave the lady a $10.00 bill for gas on pump one.
I went back outside to the pump and filled my gas can with a gallon of gas, hung up the hose and went inside for my change.
I told the lady I was on pump one so she gave me back $6.00 and said "There you go hon," which I assume is short for honey.
I looked her straight in the eye and said, "We don't know each other that well so you should not call me hon," and then I told her she did not give me the correct change.
She then, in her best "I'm better than you" voice said, "I don't know where you went to school but where I went $10.00 - $4.00 = $6.00 and that is what I gave you."
That brought back memories of being picked last, being in the middle during dodge ball, searching the playground during tag, having sand kicked in my face, and never getting the second patty on my burger.
I again looked her straight in the eye and said, "I went to school at Moapa Valley High School and obviously my school taught better math than yours did because you owe me one tenth of a cent. Your sign does not say $4.00 a gallon, it says $3.99 and 9/10. I bought a gallon and you owe me a tenth of a cent. That is false advertising and I'm not going to take it any longer."
She said, "Get outta here," and I said, "No, get the manager," to which she replied, "I am the manager, so get out."
I said, "Not without my change," and started raising my voice.
To make a long story short, she had security escort me from the property and told me never to come to that store again.
My whole driving life I have been ripped off a tenth of a cent at the gas pump and I just said, "Oh well."
Well, no more. Today I have an attorney and I am pursuing what I am due plus additional for all my pain and suffering over the years.
My attorney advises that if any of my friends want to join in, he will make it a class action suit so let me know.
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