Politics as Usual
Political Comment
Is it just me or do other people wish the presidential candidates actually would try to do something good for the country?
All I hear is how they are going to spend money or the same old rhetoric we always hear.
If you think getting a check for $800.00 or a tax break is going to solve the financial problems we have here in the U.S., then I have some ocean front property in Kansas I want to sell you.
Jolted by global recession fears, the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates Tuesday, and President Bush and leaders of Congress joined in a rare show of cooperation in promising urgent action to pump up the economy with upwards of $150 billion in tax cuts and government spending.

Market meltdowns overnight around the globe and growing anxiety at home stirred lawmakers and the administration toward swift action, possibly within a few weeks. Wall Street is plum serious about protecting consumers and investors who have watched their holdings shrink. Wall Street and global markets fear the stimulus package outlined by Bush is not enough to avert a recession. The Dow Jones industrial average is down nearly 10 percent since the beginning of the year - its worst first 14 trading days ever.
Official Washington was accentuating the positive.
"I really feel good that we have an opportunity to do something together," Reid said, standing in the White House driveway with Pelosi after talking with Bush. Reid said the size of a deal suggested by Bush was "a good number."
Administration officials are focusing on rebates of $800 to $1,600 for individuals and couples and so-called bonus depreciation to allow companies to deduct 50 percent of business investments made this year. Democrats say the package also should include boosts in unemployment benefits, food stamp payments and the Medicaid health care program for the poor and disabled. Talks between Pelosi and Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, have focused on smaller tax rebates of perhaps $500 for individuals.
No one is addressing fixing the Government as it now exists. All parties have these grand feel-good sound bites they feed us that in reality sooner or later raise our taxes but make for good T. V. politics.
Just once I wish a candidate would address fixing the problems without spending money.
Address the status-quo, out-of-control government, then we all would get tax relief that would stimulate the economy!!
Have you noticed no matter how many times you see the candidates speak, they interject the same exact words we have heard a million times.
Hillary Clinton is the best at political speak.
In one of her stops along the campaign trail she was asked what she thought of the snow that was falling, to which she replied "in my 35 years experience working for the people I have not seen prettier snow."
Kiss a baby, pet a dog, promise to refund a buck without mentioning it will cost a five to refund one, promise to put people to work while supporting signing trade agreements so nothing is made in the U.S. and support immigration reform so the people from Mexico can do the non-existent jobs the unemployed person in the U.S. wants to do.
It's scary when you look at the cast of characters running our country and those who want to run our country.
The opinions expressed here in bold print are mine and appear to be mine alone!!!
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