What Did You Say?
Today let's delve into a serious problem facing millions of baby boomers!!!
You know the one thing I see with growing old is the fact younger people don't understand how it works.
I'm sure I didn't when I was younger, although I can't seem to remember if I did or not.
The biggest complaint I have is how little regard people have for my lack of hearing them well.
All the aches and pains (which for some reason I don't forget) that come with age are caused mainly because we are from the can-do era which we did do with no regard to the effects it would later have on our bodies.
Ear protection when working around machinery in my day was unheard of.
Not to mention the untold damage cause by AM radios, yes AM radios, you know the ones prior to AM/FM Stereo/ 6 cd changers with 8 speaker surround sound.
With an AM radio you had it loud because the static was so bad you could barely hear the music.
Also cars didn't have air conditioning so when you drove 100 mph with the windows down the noise level of the air was at a high decibel level.
It seems to me people think that rather than enunciating their words, instead of mumbling or at the very least raising their voice a little to accommodate me, they think I should get a hearing aid.
I guess today's young people, instead of being a CAN-DO generation like we were, want to be a ME generation.
They don't think they should raise their voice so I can hear them rather they only think they need to raise their voice when they want something.
With some people I have to try to read their lips because no matter how many times I say I'm sorry I didn't hear you, say again, I can't hear you or I say what did you say, invariably they repeat what they said at the same volume they originally spoke.
Does anyone out there HEAR me when I say it is really frustrating when I can't hear you?
I hate to tell them but their time of having the same complaint as I do will come soon enough, so it would be nice if younger people tried a little harder to make my life a little easier.
I mean is that asking too much?
And ladies, I'm sorry to say you can be the worst, you know with that little soft spoken voice you use.
Unless we are alone sitting by candle light and you are whispering sweet nothings in my ear, SPEAK UP!!
Well that's my rant but remember this, if you talk to me and I don't respond, don't get mad just get LOUDER.
If the shoe fits.....
My wife informed me she has made a doctor's appointment and the doctor is not in our insurance's preferred network.
When I questioned her why she was going out of network she also informed me the Doctor was not only out of network but also out of the country.
When I gave her a puzzled look she informed me she was on her way to see Imelda Marcos's doctor.
Imelda Marcos Told to Wear Special Shoes
MANILA, Philippines- Former first lady Imelda Marcos - known for her extensive shoe collection - left a hospital Monday after being treated for knee pain and was ecstatic when doctors advised her to get some orthopedic footwear.

"Now I have the justification to have more shoes," a beaming Marcos told reporters.
"The prescription of the orthopedic doctors was to have more shoes," according to Marcos. "And I said, 'Sure."'
Well, that's all Vicki needed to hear! At last a Doctor that understands women need shoes, lots of shoes.
"Now I will have the justification to have more shoes too" Vicki told me as she was leaving for the airport!!
OK. That's all I got for today. What can I say, it was a long night and this was the best I could do on short time.
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