Monday, September 10, 2007

Some of This 'n That

Here we go again, the start of another week. Time flies for sure.

Let's see what I have for you today.

After a surprise visit to Iraq, President Bush tunes in to CNN and Fox to see their coverage of the trip.

You would think they would have TV onboard Air Force 1.

Prince Charles never misses a chance to honor the troops. He seems to derive great pleasure in doing so.

Maybe I should pin it on again just to be sure. She's smiling - do you think she liked it? It is such a nice pin.

Speaking of the English, Tony Blair seems to be enjoying his retirement from politics.

It's nice to see Tony enjoying his retirement !!!

Oversalted Burger Leads to Charges

UNION CITY, Ga. - A McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges because a police officer's burger was too salty, so salty that he says it made him sick.

Bull, 20, said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat and told her supervisor and a co-worker, who "tried to thump the salt off."

City public information officer George Louth said Bull was charged because she served the burger "without regards to the well-being of anyone who might consume it."

If it is against the law to serve the burger "without regards to the well-being of anyone who might consume it," then McDonalds store employees everywhere should see jail time!!!

That's all you get for today, except I will leave you with this bit of wisdom. Remember, calling an "illegal alien" an "undocumented immigrant" is no different than calling the corner crack dealer an "unregistered pharmacist."

And away we go!!!


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