Health Warning
Today's post is to address a serious illness many people are unaware of.
OK I have been married to Vicki for 31 years next month.
It has taken me until now to discover a disease Vicki has had since I have known her that has gone undiagnosed by any doctor.
At times her mysterious disease has really caused a problem in our lives.
I'm proud to say after endless hours, endless days, endless nights, and endless years of research, I have finally had a breakthrough discovery.
I don't know how many of you know of this disease as it is not widely publicized.
Maybe you have heard of it, it is called the THANK YOU disease.
That's right, the Thank You disease.
Here are the symptoms and how it has affected Vicki all these years.
People with this disease will look at things that make them smile or happy and then say thank you.
Following are some examples of Vicki's symptoms. She sees any dog, she smiles and says thank you to herself because the dog made her happy. She might see a baby in a stroller and says thank you, or maybe someone brings cookies to the park making the other people happy so she smiles and says thank you. An airplane flies over going anywhere and, since she likes to travel, she smiles and says thank you. A walk along the ocean beach makes her smile and say thank you. Shoe shopping, she smiles and says thank you. A trip to the park, she smiles and says thank you.
You see how it works?
Her disease is acknowledging the blessings in her life and making a point to recognize them.
This is also called practicing receiving gratitude.
I was extremely lucky to find a clue as I was reading Webster's Dictionary, which I often do, and I came across the word gratitude.
Upon research of the word I found it originates from the Latin word gratus which by definition means 'Thankful, Pleasing Quality or Good Will.'
So now back to the problems it has caused over the years. Do you know how hard it is to live with someone who finds something good no matter how bad?
That is not right. It is no fun if there is always good triumphing over bad. What does that leave a person to rant about?
Finding things to smile and say thank you about all the time must be a terrible burden to have. I certainly don't have the disease.
Do you see the pattern?
People with this disease want others to have it as well.
This is very dangerous. By spreading the disease, thus making everyone else happy, can reek havoc in towns and cities across America.
They get caught up in the idea that everyone should be happy.
The next thing you know they want you to seize the moment and reach out to others with small gestures like smiling, saying hello or some kind of action to others to make them feel grateful and say thank you as well.
Most people with this disease don't even realize they have it and don't understand that there are a lot of people out there that don't want to be happy.
All people with this disease know is they need more and more gratitude.
Consider this a warning that Vicki is out there among you with this disease.
When I find a doctor that can treat this disease I will let you know. Until then be very careful because last night Vicki made me smile and say thank you as she greeted me when I came home from work!!!!!!
That's all for today. I hope by reading this you didn't catch anything to make you smile and say thank you!!!
thank you
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