Hey, it's Friday. Let's mix it up a bit for a change.
I was just wondering, since so many illegals from Mexico now reside in the United States, don't you think this country should now qualify for foreign aid from the United States Government?
I think I'm old:
A friend's daughter was doing a high school class assignment and part of that was to ask an "older" person about their life.
She asked me if I would mind answering the questions.
I agreed to respond and one of her questions was "What was the biggest historical event that happened in your lifetime?"
After much thought, I answered it would probably have been the Moonwalk.
She got this real disappointed look on her face and said "That dance was the biggest event in your lifetime?"
Speaking of the Moon:
Can someone tell me why we keep sending people to the Moon?
In all this time if we haven't learned all we need to know about the Moon we never will.
Besides how important can it be since NASA must not care as they lost a bunch of the film!!
Wouldn't the money we spend going to the Moon be better spent on our own problems here in the United States?
Oh yeah, we can build houses and live on the Moon. Right!!!!
Speaking of out there:
They say marriage is made in heaven. I have a news flash for you - so is Rain, Hail, Thunder and Lightning!!!!!!!
My wife and I were meeting friends for dinner the other night and she took so long getting ready we were going to be late.
I knew if I complained to her I would be in real trouble so I asked God to give me patience and I asked him if he could hurry up.
My wife told me meditation would be good for me and that the key to success with meditation is to keep your eyes open and focus on a spot in front of you.
Boy, was she right. I never felt that good - I was able to meditate 4 hours by focusing on the television.
Speaking of TV:
Did you know at least 90 million toilets were flushed during the Super Bowl?
That is enough water to flow over Niagara Falls for three minutes.
Speaking of water:
We ventured to Hoover (Boulder) Dam the other day to see the water level. Take notice of the former water line near the top.

I think they should scoop up all the snow in New York and put it in refrigerated railroad cars and ship it to us to put into our lake! I'm sure the people in New York would be as happy to get rid of it as we would to receive it!! Send water please!!
That's it for today. I will leave you with pictures of the Big Horn Sheep we saw along the roadside on our way to the Dam.

The end!!!!!!!!
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