Who Knew?
Which is better for you?
Cloudy or Clear Apple Juice?
The murkier the juice, the higher the antioxidant count -- up to four times higher than the sparkling version, according to a brand new Polish study.
Though clear is more attractive, it's been processed to remove apple solids, diminishing many of the health benefits.
Butter or Margarine?
Believe it: Butter is the better choice.
Both butter and margarine are high in calories and saturated fat but traditional margarine also delivers two to three grams of artery busting trans fats per tablespoon.
A recent slew of new heart-smart margarines are trans fat free and can actually help lower cholesterol.
Red or Green Pepper?
All bell peppers are deliciously healthy because they're low in calories and high in vitamins, antioxidants and fiber.
But when green peppers are ripened to red they become true nutritional champs by supplying a generous dose of lycopene and 50 percent more vitamin C as well.
Black Tea or Tea with Milk?
Hold that splash of moo juice to your spot of tea.
A German study found that all of tea's cardio-protective effects are canceled out by adding milk.
Milk proteins called caseins decrease the amount of catechins, the compound found in tea shown to guard against heart disease.
Farmed or Wild Salmon?
Farm-raised salmon contain 13 times more cancer-causing pollutants than salmon caught in the wild.
Since the bulk of the contaminants are stored in fish fat, you can eliminate them by removing the skin and grilling thoroughly -- but this also reduces heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Low Fat or Full Fat Dairy?
More than 19,000 women who ate at least one serving of full fat dairy each day put on less weight over the long term, according to a Swedish study.
Low-fat dairy didn't seem to prevent a bulked up waist line but researchers are unclear why.
Bottled or Tap Water?
The thirst for bottled water has nearly doubled in the past decade despite the fact that it offers no real health benefits.
A four-year study judged it no safer or cleaner than regular tap water.
Bottles gobble up natural resources and cost up to 10,000 times more than turning on a faucet.
And my very favorite:
Ketchup or Tomatoes?
Organic ketchups -- typically darker in color compared to non-organic brands -- are the best source of lycopene, a chemical that reduces the risk of heart disease and fends off many types of cancer.
Ketchup contains about five times as much lycopene per weight as a tomato.
I have known this for years. That is the reason I will not eat tomatoes, but must have Ketchup on 90% of the food I eat!!!
Speaking of Ketchup, is this next story kewl or what?
Message on a Bottle
In Trend Toward Vanity Food, It's Getting Personal
The age of the vanity ketchup bottle is upon us. If not all over us.
Ketchup kingpin H.J. Heinz says it will sell customized messages on Heinz ketchup bottle labels — for up to $6 per bottle.
Can personalized pickles be far behind? (Heinz is considering it.)
The giants of the $500 billion packaged food industry are leaping onto one of the hottest trends in the marketing world: mass customization.
For a premium price, folks already can buy M&Ms etched with their own names. And Wheaties boxes plastered with their own pictures. And Hershey bars that beam personalized bar mitzvah kudos. And Jones Soda bottles with their dog's mug on the label.
New technologies make it affordable to personalize. And in an age when consumers are accustomed to personalizing websites and iPods, why not food?

Customers prompted Heinz to make the move. "Consumers want products designed for themselves," says Wendy Joyce, senior brand manager. "This gives them a personal connection with the brand."
As soon as Del Monte offers this on their Ketchup I'm all over it!!!!
That's your food tips for today!! Come back tomorrow for a lot more of nothing much!!
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