Won't You Be My Sweetheart?
Welcome to Wag's tips on how to stay out of trouble today.
Do you know what day this is? That's right, Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is a holiday on February 14th. It is the day of the year when lovers show their love to each other.
This can be done by giving flowers, candy, or Valentine's cards. Love notes can be given to one another. These notes are called valentines.

Symbols of Valentine's Day are heart shapes and Cupid with his arrows.

Valentine's day checklist
Make sure this Valentine's Day goes off without a single hitch! Below is a general checklist of things you should consider when planning your Valentine's Day! Good luck, and have a most romantic holiday with your sweetheart!
1. Your Schedules
Before you can decide on anything, you need to find out what both of your schedules are. Do one or both of you have to work? Find out what hours. Does your date have something else planned during any part of the day? Make sure to find out everything, then tell your date AS SOON AS POSSIBLE what time to reserve for your interlude.
2. Consider Your Date's Interests
Is your date a "flowers and romance, dance all night" type, or a "stay at home in front of the fire" type of person? This is important in determining what you are planning to do. If you're not sure, ask your date what they like.
3. Plan Your Date
By now you should know what timeframe you have to work with and what your partner's interests are. With this information it should be much easier deciding what to do. While you're planning, make sure to check if reservations are needed, any tipping requirements, transportation you might need, any possible dress code, timeframe of any events, and if there are any restrictions on any mood enhancers you might want to bring, like candles. Don't forget to let your date know about any information they need to know, like dress codes, etc.!
3. Select Mood Enhancers
With the date idea selected, it's time to plan your "over-the-top valentine romance!" For a list of great ideas when planning these, check for any of the things mentioned above that are relevant.
4. Your Gift
The gift is almost as, if not more, important than the actual date. It doesn't need to be expensive, but it does need to show that you've put a lot of time and care into selecting it. If you're deciding to give a traditional favorite, like flowers or chocolates, try and do something unique with them. For example, have 12 single roses delivered separately, or try one of the creative chocolate ideas.
5. Confirm Everything!!!
The night before, take some time and confirm any reservations or plans you have that involve a third party. This not only helps ease your nerves a bit, but also reminds the other person of their possible duty.
6. Relax And Enjoy!
Pick up your date and enjoy each other's romantic company! Relax, because you've taken all the steps to plan the perfect Valentine's Day date!!

There is something about sweets and Valentine's Day that goes hand in hand. But with a traditional gift, such as chocolates, it's easy to be considered out-dated and uninventive. So this year, use one of the creative ideas below to give a standard romantic favorite a new feel!
1. Make a candy love letter.
Write a love letter out of candy bar titles. Get a piece of brightly colored poster board and a bunch of your favorite candy bars. Write your love letter on the board in a contrasting colored pen. Replace key words with candy bars taped onto the poster board.
2. Chocolate bouquet.
Get your love's favorite chocolates and thick wood skewers. You'll also need a box or basket and a piece of styrofoam cut to fit inside the box or basket. Cut the skewers in half with a small saw and lightly sand down the blunt ends. Stick a chocolate on the top of each blunt end. Then stick the pointed end into the stryofoam piece. Cover the stryofoam with moss or ribbon.
3. Never-ending chocolate box.
Get a set of boxes that fit inside of each other. The more you can get to fit inside of each other the better. Buy your love's favorite chocolates or sweets and some tissue paper. Line each box with tissue paper and place one chocolate or sweet inside of it. Then cover it with another piece of tissue paper. Keep doing this until you've filled all your boxes. If you have more chocolates than boxes, start with one chocolate in the first and more in each box following.
4. Trail of chocolates.
Get quite a few bags of chocolates, some tissue paper and curling ribbon. Layer two pieces of tissue paper and place one handful of candy in the middle of it. Pull up the sides and tie a piece of curling ribbon around it. Repeat this until all the candy but one bag is left. Put your bags of candy in a strategic location with a love letter in front of them. Then make a trail from wherever your love will be to the candy pile. This is a great "wake-up" surprise!
5. Chocolate roses.
Combine the classic favorites together and give your love a bouquet of chocolate roses. Attach a note saying, "I decided to give you these chocolate roses instead of real ones because our love is something that should be sweet and savored."

Considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs and a highly sensuous, forbidden food, chocolate provides the perfect prelude to sensual, romantic "intercourse." Below is a list of our favorite ways to enjoy this fun appeteaser!
Freshly dipped chocolate covered strawberries hand fed to each other.
Melted chocolate dripped over your partner's body to be licked off slowly.
Chocolate covered peanuts or almonds and other bite size chocolates to be used as commodities for a game of strip poker.
Chocolate cake frosting for use as body paint.
Leaving sensual hints and/or notes in the "tag" of Hershey's Kisses.
Bringing a gift of a chocolate rose bouquet as an alternative to fresh roses.
Chocolate fudge, chocolate ice cream and chocolate sprinkles to be used as the ultimate chocolate human sundae!
Leaving a trail of Dove Promises from the door to the bed with a note of the events planned.
Sharing chocolate cookie dough (or the ice cream) after love-making.
Sharing an intimate moment in the nude together with the classic solid milk chocolate bar.
Now if this doesn't cover it nothing will!!
Here's wishing all of you a Happy Valentine's Day.
Join me once again tomorrow for the blog that has it all!!!!
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