People and Pooches Party - Part 3
Saturday, October 28th, People and Pooches Party at Vicki's Park - Part 3:

That's the way it was on a beautiful day for a get together.
How interesting is it that all these people have the same thing in common - their dogs!
Hot sun, rain, sleet, snow or the dark of night does not stop them from taking their loyal pooches to the park which is where all of this group met.
This was the third party. The first one was on New Year's Eve of 05, followed by Rick's retirement party in April of 06 and now summer's end party in October of 06.
The attendance continues to grow which is fantastic. Thanks to all that made it a great day!!!
That's it for the party update. Thanks to everyone for making it special!
Come back tomorrow for more of all the news you can use.
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