Some of This, Some of That
As I mentioned in my Thursday 9-7 blog, my editor Pat flew to New York to celebrate her Moms 80th Birthday.
Today is the happy day, please join me in wishing a very;

To Barbara Taber
And now the news;
A case of premature extermination
Note to workers: Clear County building before setting off roach bombs
WALHALLA, S.C. - The humans were the only ones scurrying out of a county building after a work crew prematurely set off gas canisters meant to kill roaches.
The roach bombs were supposed to be set off at 5 p.m. Thursday, after everyone left the Oconee County Department of Social Services. But the insect-killing fog started spreading through the offices about three hours early after a test of the devices went awry, County Administrator Tom Hendricks said.
"Apparently, they thought that once you turned them on, you could turn them off again. Oh no," Hendricks said.
The building was evacuated safely. One person sought medical help after the incident but wasn't seriously injured, Hendricks said.
Hendricks said he had talked to the maintenance personnel involved and stressed the need for proper safety precautions to prevent such incidents from occurring again.
Hee Hee, Roach's: 1 - Maintenance Personnel: 0.
This would make a great TV movie, the roaches all sitting outside in the shade watching the humans scurry around in a frenzy!!!
Airline snooze turns one-way into round-trip
Sleeping Bulgarian teen flies home from Malta, fails to get off, returns
SOFIA, Bulgaria - A sleeping teenager flew home to Bulgaria and then back to Malta after the air crew apparently failed to notice she was still on the plane.
Maria Ilieva, 17, was traveling alone and fell asleep on an Air Malta plane taking her overnight from Valletta to Sofia. Unfortunately she had returned to Malta by the time she woke up, the girl's family said Friday.
"Air Malta officials said the airplane was not a place for sleeping. But I have not seen any signs saying 'no sleeping'; I have only seen signs saying 'no smoking,'" said the girl's mother, Nadezhda Vulova.
Maria was finally reunited with her family Thursday, almost four days after her sleepover. She had to pay 200 euros ($256) for the second flight home.
The family said it had filed a complaint against the airline and asked for a refund.
Air Malta was not immediately available for comment.
Having kids I understand how this could happen.
I guess they must not have stewardesses on their airplanes or you would have thought someone would notice.
"The airplane is not a place for sleeping" thing would scare me though because to me it would mean you better worry about the quality of the flight!! White knuckles!!
I wonder since you aren't supposed to sleep on the plane if anyone has joined the "Mile High" club on that flight?
The ‘Under Cover Police’ shirt was a clue
Oregon woman pulled over, handcuffed, tested for sobriety by phony officer
CANBY, Ore. - The shirt might have been the tip-off that the guy wasn't who he pretended to be.
Canby police said they're looking for a man who stopped a teenage driver late Wednesday and handcuffed her. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, police said, and it read: "Under Cover Police."
"An undercover officer obviously isn't going to advertise that," said Canby Officer Chris Mead. He said the woman wasn't harmed.
The man, in an ’80s Ford Bronco, flashed his headlights at the 18-year-old and forced her to the side of the road, police said. After ordering her to do sobriety tests, police said, the man cuffed her, searched the vehicle, talked into what appeared to be a handheld radio, uncuffed her and fled.
Mead said he didn't take anything from the vehicle, and police don't know what he was up to. "It's very disturbing," Mead said. He said he hadn't heard of similar stops locally or in Oregon.
Obviously the teenager was a blond! An 80 Ford Bronco flashing its headlights.
Sounds like a Fraternity prank to me!!
Paraglider Lands in Minefield
JERUSALEM - An Israeli man was stuck in the middle of a minefield near the Syrian border Saturday after crashing his paraglider and severely injuring himself.
The unidentified man took off from a peak in the Golan Heights and drifted east toward the Syrian and Jordanian borders before crashing in the minefield, injuring his legs and breaking several bones, rescue services said.
"He's in the process of being rescued," an army spokesman said.
Paragliding, in which participants jump off tall peaks or cliffs with a parachute strapped to their back, is a popular sport in the Golan, where there are many steep mountains along Israel's northeastern border.
The man's parachute is believed to have malfunctioned.
OK, OK, there are stupid people in all parts of the world! Last I heard that area is a hostile environment and not a real good location to leisurely go Paragliding!!!
The case of the purloined jury duty paper
Judge says juror who skipped out plagiarized paper ordered as punishment
HOWELL, Mich. - As far as the judge was concerned, the paper he ordered Brandon Dickens to write as punishment for ducking jury duty was plagiarized.
To the 20-year-old Dickens, the report merely contained "quoted" material.
Not surprisingly, Livingston County Circuit Judge David Reader had the last word.
"Really, what I was looking for, Mr. Dickens, was your own work," Reader said last week in upping Dickens' punishment from three days in the courthouse to four days — and ordering him to rewrite the paper.
Dickens, formerly of Tyrone Township, originally landed in Reader's doghouse in June, when he failed to return to jury duty after a lunch break. The judge ordered him to spend three days observing a civil trial and to write a five-page paper on the history of jury service.
When Dickens turned in the paper Aug. 30, a court employee recognized phrases from something else the employee had read previously. An Internet search showed many of the phrases came word for word from "Trials and Tribulations," a story by Seattle writer Matthew Baldwin that appeared in an online magazine, The Morning News.
Dickens denied plagiarizing Baldwin's work, saying: "I quoted it. I quoted a Seattle man's experience." He also said Reader wasn't clear about what he sought in the writing assignment, and he could find little information on the history of jury service.
Reader could have had Dickens jailed for up to 30 days, but instead ordered him to spend a fourth day in court and to come up with another five-page paper on the topic.
Plagiarizing - my, my, who would ever figure someone else might have seen the story? It is obvious this Dickens is not related to Charles!!!
Man lived to 112 on sausage-and-waffles diet
‘We often find it is in the genes rather than lifestyle,’ says expert
LOS ANGELES - George Johnson, considered California’s oldest living person at 112 and the state’s last surviving World War I veteran, had experts shaking their heads over his junk food diet.
“He had terrible bad habits. He had a diet largely of sausages and waffles,” Dr. L. Stephen Coles, founder of the Gerontology Research Group at the University of California, Los Angeles, said Friday.
The 5-foot-7, 140-pound Johnson died of pneumonia Wednesday at his Richmond home in Northern California.
A lot of people think or imagine that your good habits and bad habits contribute to your longevity,” Coles said. “But we often find it is in the genes rather than lifestyle.”
Johnson, who was blind and living alone until his 110th birthday when a caregiver began helping him, built the Richmond house by hand in 1935. He got around using a walker in recent years.
Johnson was the only living Californian considered a “supercentenarian,” a designation for those ages 110 or older, Coles said. His group is now in the process of validating a Los Angeles candidate who claims to be 112 years old.
Coles participated in an autopsy Thursday that was designed to study Johnson’s health.
“All of his organs were extremely youthful. They could have been the organs of someone who was 50 or 60, not 112. Clearly his genes had some secrets,” Coles said.
‘A mysterious case’
“Everything in his body that we looked at was clean as a whistle, except for his lungs with the pneumonia,” Coles said. “He had no heart disease, he had no cancer, no diabetes and no Alzheimer’s.
“This is a mysterious case that someone could be so healthy from a pathology point of view and that there is no obvious cause of death.”
This just confirms what I have said for years - all that press about what you should eat, which I might add doesn't taste good, is just a bunch of bull!!!
Even in this article they say he had terrible bad habits, however all of his organs were extremely youthful. They could have been the organs of someone who was 50 or 60.
Does this doctor scare you? He said he died of pneumonia and that there is no obvious cause of death. Wow!! And what are terrible bad habits anyway?
So my question is what part of his diet was a bad habit and if he had eaten differently, would he have lived to be 212 years old? I vote for the gene thing!!
That's it for this wonderful Sunday. I have to go have some waffles now!!!!
Stop by here again Monday where you can once again get all the news you can use.
Today is the happy day, please join me in wishing a very;

To Barbara Taber
And now the news;
A case of premature extermination
Note to workers: Clear County building before setting off roach bombs
WALHALLA, S.C. - The humans were the only ones scurrying out of a county building after a work crew prematurely set off gas canisters meant to kill roaches.
The roach bombs were supposed to be set off at 5 p.m. Thursday, after everyone left the Oconee County Department of Social Services. But the insect-killing fog started spreading through the offices about three hours early after a test of the devices went awry, County Administrator Tom Hendricks said.
"Apparently, they thought that once you turned them on, you could turn them off again. Oh no," Hendricks said.
The building was evacuated safely. One person sought medical help after the incident but wasn't seriously injured, Hendricks said.
Hendricks said he had talked to the maintenance personnel involved and stressed the need for proper safety precautions to prevent such incidents from occurring again.
Hee Hee, Roach's: 1 - Maintenance Personnel: 0.
This would make a great TV movie, the roaches all sitting outside in the shade watching the humans scurry around in a frenzy!!!
Airline snooze turns one-way into round-trip
Sleeping Bulgarian teen flies home from Malta, fails to get off, returns
SOFIA, Bulgaria - A sleeping teenager flew home to Bulgaria and then back to Malta after the air crew apparently failed to notice she was still on the plane.
Maria Ilieva, 17, was traveling alone and fell asleep on an Air Malta plane taking her overnight from Valletta to Sofia. Unfortunately she had returned to Malta by the time she woke up, the girl's family said Friday.
"Air Malta officials said the airplane was not a place for sleeping. But I have not seen any signs saying 'no sleeping'; I have only seen signs saying 'no smoking,'" said the girl's mother, Nadezhda Vulova.
Maria was finally reunited with her family Thursday, almost four days after her sleepover. She had to pay 200 euros ($256) for the second flight home.
The family said it had filed a complaint against the airline and asked for a refund.
Air Malta was not immediately available for comment.
Having kids I understand how this could happen.
I guess they must not have stewardesses on their airplanes or you would have thought someone would notice.
"The airplane is not a place for sleeping" thing would scare me though because to me it would mean you better worry about the quality of the flight!! White knuckles!!
I wonder since you aren't supposed to sleep on the plane if anyone has joined the "Mile High" club on that flight?
The ‘Under Cover Police’ shirt was a clue
Oregon woman pulled over, handcuffed, tested for sobriety by phony officer
CANBY, Ore. - The shirt might have been the tip-off that the guy wasn't who he pretended to be.
Canby police said they're looking for a man who stopped a teenage driver late Wednesday and handcuffed her. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, police said, and it read: "Under Cover Police."
"An undercover officer obviously isn't going to advertise that," said Canby Officer Chris Mead. He said the woman wasn't harmed.
The man, in an ’80s Ford Bronco, flashed his headlights at the 18-year-old and forced her to the side of the road, police said. After ordering her to do sobriety tests, police said, the man cuffed her, searched the vehicle, talked into what appeared to be a handheld radio, uncuffed her and fled.
Mead said he didn't take anything from the vehicle, and police don't know what he was up to. "It's very disturbing," Mead said. He said he hadn't heard of similar stops locally or in Oregon.
Obviously the teenager was a blond! An 80 Ford Bronco flashing its headlights.
Sounds like a Fraternity prank to me!!
Paraglider Lands in Minefield
JERUSALEM - An Israeli man was stuck in the middle of a minefield near the Syrian border Saturday after crashing his paraglider and severely injuring himself.
The unidentified man took off from a peak in the Golan Heights and drifted east toward the Syrian and Jordanian borders before crashing in the minefield, injuring his legs and breaking several bones, rescue services said.
"He's in the process of being rescued," an army spokesman said.
Paragliding, in which participants jump off tall peaks or cliffs with a parachute strapped to their back, is a popular sport in the Golan, where there are many steep mountains along Israel's northeastern border.
The man's parachute is believed to have malfunctioned.
OK, OK, there are stupid people in all parts of the world! Last I heard that area is a hostile environment and not a real good location to leisurely go Paragliding!!!
The case of the purloined jury duty paper
Judge says juror who skipped out plagiarized paper ordered as punishment
HOWELL, Mich. - As far as the judge was concerned, the paper he ordered Brandon Dickens to write as punishment for ducking jury duty was plagiarized.
To the 20-year-old Dickens, the report merely contained "quoted" material.
Not surprisingly, Livingston County Circuit Judge David Reader had the last word.
"Really, what I was looking for, Mr. Dickens, was your own work," Reader said last week in upping Dickens' punishment from three days in the courthouse to four days — and ordering him to rewrite the paper.
Dickens, formerly of Tyrone Township, originally landed in Reader's doghouse in June, when he failed to return to jury duty after a lunch break. The judge ordered him to spend three days observing a civil trial and to write a five-page paper on the history of jury service.
When Dickens turned in the paper Aug. 30, a court employee recognized phrases from something else the employee had read previously. An Internet search showed many of the phrases came word for word from "Trials and Tribulations," a story by Seattle writer Matthew Baldwin that appeared in an online magazine, The Morning News.
Dickens denied plagiarizing Baldwin's work, saying: "I quoted it. I quoted a Seattle man's experience." He also said Reader wasn't clear about what he sought in the writing assignment, and he could find little information on the history of jury service.
Reader could have had Dickens jailed for up to 30 days, but instead ordered him to spend a fourth day in court and to come up with another five-page paper on the topic.
Plagiarizing - my, my, who would ever figure someone else might have seen the story? It is obvious this Dickens is not related to Charles!!!
Man lived to 112 on sausage-and-waffles diet
‘We often find it is in the genes rather than lifestyle,’ says expert
LOS ANGELES - George Johnson, considered California’s oldest living person at 112 and the state’s last surviving World War I veteran, had experts shaking their heads over his junk food diet.
“He had terrible bad habits. He had a diet largely of sausages and waffles,” Dr. L. Stephen Coles, founder of the Gerontology Research Group at the University of California, Los Angeles, said Friday.
The 5-foot-7, 140-pound Johnson died of pneumonia Wednesday at his Richmond home in Northern California.
A lot of people think or imagine that your good habits and bad habits contribute to your longevity,” Coles said. “But we often find it is in the genes rather than lifestyle.”
Johnson, who was blind and living alone until his 110th birthday when a caregiver began helping him, built the Richmond house by hand in 1935. He got around using a walker in recent years.
Johnson was the only living Californian considered a “supercentenarian,” a designation for those ages 110 or older, Coles said. His group is now in the process of validating a Los Angeles candidate who claims to be 112 years old.
Coles participated in an autopsy Thursday that was designed to study Johnson’s health.
“All of his organs were extremely youthful. They could have been the organs of someone who was 50 or 60, not 112. Clearly his genes had some secrets,” Coles said.
‘A mysterious case’
“Everything in his body that we looked at was clean as a whistle, except for his lungs with the pneumonia,” Coles said. “He had no heart disease, he had no cancer, no diabetes and no Alzheimer’s.
“This is a mysterious case that someone could be so healthy from a pathology point of view and that there is no obvious cause of death.”
This just confirms what I have said for years - all that press about what you should eat, which I might add doesn't taste good, is just a bunch of bull!!!
Even in this article they say he had terrible bad habits, however all of his organs were extremely youthful. They could have been the organs of someone who was 50 or 60.
Does this doctor scare you? He said he died of pneumonia and that there is no obvious cause of death. Wow!! And what are terrible bad habits anyway?
So my question is what part of his diet was a bad habit and if he had eaten differently, would he have lived to be 212 years old? I vote for the gene thing!!
That's it for this wonderful Sunday. I have to go have some waffles now!!!!
Stop by here again Monday where you can once again get all the news you can use.
Wow, that guy had some great genes for sure.
The extermination story was pretty weird.
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