Surprise Surprise
Geez my editor Pat left last night on the red eye for New York and I sure do miss her already.
You've got mail!!!
RadioShack Lays Off Employees Via E-Mail
Fort Worth, Texas - RadioShack Corp. followed through on its announced plans to cut about 400 jobs, but the electronics retailer has been forced on the defensive about its method of notifying laid-off employees by e-mail.

"The work force reduction notification is currently in progress," the notice stated. "Unfortunately your position is one that has been eliminated." Management experts expressed surprise at RadioShack's use of electronic notification instead of face-to-face meetings with supervisors.
Last month, the company hired a former Kmart executive, Julian Day, as chief executive, replacing an interim leader who stepped in when the previous CEO quit after admitting lying on his resume.
What a nice gesture, don't embarrass the employee by calling them into the bosses office for a face to face to tell them they are fired.
Radio Shack hired former Kmart executive, Julian Day, as chief executive to run the company. Last I heard KMart was about to go under. Good choice if you are about to fail as well!!
'Apprentice' Figure Carolyn Kepcher Axed
New York -- Carolyn Kepcher, who sat by while her boss Donald Trump dismissed one would-be apprentice after another, has now felt the full force of his iconic phrase: "You're fired."

"Mr. Trump wishes her the best," said Trump spokesman Jim Dowd, who confirmed she is no longer with the company. She had been chief operating officer of two of Trump's golf courses.
Kepcher's dismissal was first reported in Thursday's New York Post.
The slender, striking blonde had become familiar to viewers as one of Trump's two sidekicks on the NBC series. She was an adviser to one of the rival teams and was often seated beside Trump for boardroom sessions where one or more competitors would hear Trump declare, "You're fired."
The Post story attributed Kepcher's firing to excessive self-promotion as a star at the expense of her performance at her day job, an account echoed by a person close to the situation.
Kepcher could not be immediately located for comment.
Since TV fame beckoned, Kepcher has been active with speaking engagements, made a number of talk-show appearances and two years ago wrote a book, "Carolyn 101," which promised to reveal the secrets of her success and give readers guidance for their professional lives.
Well, no sense watching the Apprentice any more as she was the only reason to watch it.
I wonder if the Donald was feeling she was the only reason to watch as well? Maybe that added to the reason she was fired!!!
As Paris Hilton would say "She's Hot."
Strippers Raise Money for Las Vegas-Area Schools
Las Vegas- The Clark County School District kicked off the first day of school Wednesday with scant resources. But it got a major donation from the scantily clad.

"Thank you for your donation of $2,500, received on August 30, 2006," said a letter from foundation president Judi Steele to Scores' marketing director, Shai Cohen. "Thank you again for your willingness to support our community and invest in our children ... our future."
Scores raised the funds at a back-to-school event called "Detention" that featured strippers dressed as teachers, schoolgirls and librarians.
"It's back to school time and you know what that means. Detention for everyone who has been bad!"
The performers peeled off clothes and offered lap dances to customers. Patrons also left more than $1,000 donations in a jar that the club said would go to the Clark County School District. Scores matched the donations roughly dollar for dollar, he said.
"Education is very important," he said.
The foundation's director of development, Deb Hegna, said the donation was gratefully accepted.
"From any licensed, legitimate business, we're certainly happy to accept donations," she said, adding the gentleman's club told them it had raised the funds at a charity event.
Think what you want, but in Las Vegas money is money, and there is nothing wrong with accepting the donation!!
In my day strippers dressed as teachers, schoolgirls and librarians would be scary, but today's teachers are different ya know!!!
As Paris Hilton would say "That's Hot."
OK for all of my Midwest readers who think ill of the strippers raising money:
Schools chief defends risqué photo for charity
Iowa superintendent draws fire for nearly naked fund-raiser calendar
MANNING, Iowa - A superintendent who posed as a nearly naked “Mr. August” in a charity calendar is rebuffing critics who say it amounts to soft-core pornography.
Roger Schmiedeskamp, superintendent of the Manning school district, joined other men, including bankers and insurance salesmen, in appearing in a 2007 calendar that will be sold to raise money for the local Rotary Club. The men appear partially disrobed in a spoof of the 2003 movie “Calendar Girls,” in which 12 women appear naked to raise money for a hospital.
In the Manning calendar, Schmiedeskamp’s image is superimposed in an old schoolhouse room in front of a chalkboard and behind a desk. He is shirtless and his legs are bare under the desk, creating the image that he is naked in an empty classroom.
“I didn’t see anything that was inappropriate about it,” said Schmiedeskamp, who wore a swimsuit during the photo shoot. “I think it’s a worthwhile cause to raise some money to help the community.”
“When I saw it I was so angry at the setting,” said Kathy Swanson, a parent and grandparent of students in the school district. “A kid is supposed to be safe in the classroom. This does not portray safe. It’s sickening.”
Did I read this right - did it say Iowa?
It only takes one! Kathy probably buys and listens to Michael Jackson songs and thinks he is innocent! A parent and grandparent of students in the school district. Either she had em late or someone in her family had em early, and she is worried about a calendar!!!!!!!
Admit it you have missed my bear stories. Well here is one to brighten your day:
Woman, 72, orders bears out of her kitchen
Homeowner scares off Mom and her cub by yelling and clapping her hands

The unidentified woman walked into the kitchen and found the bear standing six feet away, apparently surprising it, Vail police Sgt. Dan Torgerson said. The bear hissed at her and swatted her chest and arm, giving her some minor scratches. The woman then scared it off by yelling and clapping her hands.
Torgerson said the bear hissed again and then left through a side door.
"If the bear was trying to hurt her, it very easily could have," he said. "I think it was just surprised."
The woman then found a cub in her house and she pushed it out the door. That bear and cub are believed to be the same ones that entered another home and ate food off the kitchen counter. The owners refused to let wildlife officials set traps for bears in their homes.
Randy Hampton, a spokesman for the Colorado Division of Wildlife, said the bear has learned how to get food from humans and has taught its cub. If captured, he said the bear would be euthanized and its cub euthanized or relocated.
Encounters between humans and bears are more common as bears feed to prepare for hibernation during the winter. Right now bears spend about 20 hours a day eating about 20,000 calories — the equivalent of nearly 20 Big Mac meals.
Mmmmmm good old fashioned pot roast. Who, including the bear, could resist? And smashed potatoes and gravy I wonder?
Let's see, homemade pot roast cooked by a 72-year-old woman who, you know by her age, really knows how to cook a pot roast or raid McDonalds for 20 Big Mac meals. That's a no brainer!!!!
Let's hope the bear and cub are not captured!
Yes and tomorrow is that beloved Friday!! Tune in tomorrow for all the news you can use right here @
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