Sex Sells And Grabs New Readers
What do a box of cereal and Hillary Clinton have in common?
Cereal Box Typo Sends Callers to Sex Line
An Oregon company has ordered new packaging for its Peace Cereal after a typo on the box sent callers to a phone sex line instead of the cereal maker's 800 number. Instead of reaching Golden Temple of Oregon, callers were greeted by a recorded voice asking, "Do you love sex? ... Isn't that why you called?"
Now that's the way to enjoy a bowl of Frosted Flakes don't you think?
Clinton Call Connects to Phone Sex Line
Journalists who dialed in to a White House conference call Thursday hoping for a media-friendly reception got a far friendlier response than they were counting on.
Instead of hearing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Adviser Jim Jones on the other end laying out foreign policy and security threats, reporters were greeted by a recording on a phone sex line.
"Do you have any hidden desires? If you feel like getting nasty, then you came to the right place," said a suggestive-sounding woman.
I suspect the Journalists enjoyed that call more than any calls they have with Hillary.
News Story from Germany - Ooops!

I have always believed in the phrase "If at first you don't succeed try, try again."
Do you want to know how to drive a lady crazy?

Blow in my ear and I will follow you anywhere.
Now that all you readers are heated up, I thought I should include the following warning.

Just remember it is always better to err on the side of caution.
I received a call and today is an unscheduled late shift so there will be no post tomorrow.
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