Wag's Pork Spending Bill
Anyone that knows me or has read some past posts I have put on here will recall hearing me talk about a water grid across the United States.
The politicians can talk and sell solar and wind power all day long to replace gas and coal, but as I have previously stated that is a waste of money.
The real issue facing different states at different times is too much water and the lack of water.
There are several states that have large storage lakes that need to be replenished because due to droughts they are low on water.
There are other states that have unused water in their rivers and some of those rivers will from time to time have flooding.
Today the headline: North Dakota Braces for Record Flooding

My thought process is a water transmission grid connecting the states could reduce the size of floods that follow a river similar to the Red River in North Dakota and benefit other states that need more water.
To some this may sound like a preposterous idea due to logistics and management, but hear me out.
History teaches us which rivers have more water than is used between the start and the end of the river. History also teaches us which rivers are prone to flooding.
During normal times I would propose pumping stations in key areas of the rivers pump the unused amount water out of the rivers and send it through a pipeline grid to lakes and reservoirs that have room.
During the flooding season, I would propose the pumping stations pump more water to reduce the level of the river prior to the actual flood condition so that when the water started to flow, the low level of the river would allow more room for the additional water thus reducing the overflowing conditions that produce the flooding of cities.
The technology of pipelines and pumping is nothing new as currently there are pipelines sending gasoline, natural gas and oil all across America. Some of those routes were established at a time that future development was not a consideration which at times now creates conflicts.
I would recommend the water pipeline grid could follow an established route along our freeway system across the United States thus minimizing potential conflicts.
To appease the idiots that think wind farms are the answer to producing electricity, I would suggest double duty for the massive amount of land that is required for a wind farm.
I would propose creating a lake on that land to store the water pumped from the rivers and construct the towers above the water as is done on the ocean.
If done correctly the tower of power lakes could actually become a tourist stop and help stimulate the local economy.
But then again what do I know. I'm uneducated and I pay my taxes.
Mrs. Mullroy commented this morning in our briefing regarding watching the news from North Dakota and wishing we could get some of that water down here.
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