Say What
Quotable Quotes:
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." ~ Cicero -55 BC
'Paying taxes is voluntary.'
- Sen. Harry Reid

- John Edwards
'You don't need God anymore, you have us democrats.'
- Nancy Pelosi (2006)
”As long as the nation is obsessed with historic milestones, is no one going to remark on what a great country it is where a mentally retarded woman can become speaker of the house?

I Don't Need Sex
The Government Screws me Everyday
- Wag

At a time when the federal government is spending billions of stimulus dollars to stem the tide of U.S. layoffs, should that same government put even more Americans out of work by buying cheaper foreign products?
In this case, Chinese condoms.
That's right 300 jobs in the United States lost because our very own government is not buying American made condoms.
In fact, the government is close to accepting condoms from two offshore companies: Unidus Corp., which makes condoms in South Korea, and Qingdao Double Butterfly Group, which makes them in China.
The reasons for the change included lower prices (2 cents versus more than 5 cents for U.S.-made condoms) and the fact that Congress dropped “buy American language” in a recent appropriations bill.
The switch comes despite implied assurances over the years that the agency would continue to buy American whenever possible.
So the government saves 3 cents but loses because the 300 unemployed people will pay less taxes and draw unemployment.
Oh yes and when the company folds the Government won't be collecting the outrageous 35% corporate tax.

I like the quote from Unknown.
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