First Impressions
I have talked about this before, and now another situation has come to my attention that I felt I should write about.
We have all heard the phrase you should not judge a book by it's cover but when it comes to people we still have a tendency to do just that.
The funny thing is for some reason we all think we are just perfect and if the person we are judging doesn't look like a perfect 10, dress just right, comb their hair just right or on and on then they are to be scoffed at or dismissed.
The sad thing is this happens more than one can imagine.
An example is a video that is sweeping the nation that you may or may not have seen but is a prime example of what I am talking about.
I am adding the link for you to watch the video and I would like you look at the lady's picture before reading the article, see how she is dressed, her hair and remember your first impression.
Then I would like you to pay close attention to the judges and audience reaction to her prior to her singing.
Then after she sings pay attention to the judges, the audience and also your reaction.
I think once you watch this video you will get my point!!! Check it out here.
I don't know about you but there are some commercials on T.V. that are so bad you wonder how the ad agency can stay in business.
Then there are others that are just plain funny even though some people seem to get all offended and demand the commercial be pulled of the air as is in the case of a new Burger King commercial.
Oh political correctness has gotten so bad we can no longer laugh at ourselves.
The great thing is if they take them off T.V. there is always youtube.
I thought it funny so check it out here and see what you think.
On occasion on my blog I talk about what is wrong with the Catholic Church.
I have come across something I thought to be smart and innovative and today in the interest of being fair and balanced I would like to hook you up with the link for you to check it out.
Many of you have heard of Sham Wow but I wonder how many of you have heard of Soul Wow. Unlike Sham Wow Soul Wow is free and no purchase is necessary. Please check out Father Vic here.
That's a wrap and as always, this blog is like a hamburger it gets to the meat of the matter.

Loved it very much. Especially SoulWow. :o)
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