Amazing Stuff
You hear a lot of bad stories about the kids today which leads everyone to believe all kids are bad because the stories of a few bad kids grab the head lines.
I wonder how many of you saw the following story?
Winning is "not a matter of life and death," according to the venerable sporting adage coined by former UCLA football coach Red Saunders, "it's more important than that."
The reality, of course, is the exact opposite, and that fact was vividly illustrated by the actions of the high school basketball players and coaches of DeKalb, Ill., and Milwaukee Madison earlier this month.
During the day of their match-up, Milwaukee's captain, Johntel Franklin

had the misfortune of being at his mother's bedside when she succumbed to a five-year battle with cervical cancer. Understandably, he decided to skip the game, but later Franklin changed his mind.
In the second quarter, he arrived late in what was a close game. Because Franklin was not scheduled to play, DeKalb was awarded two free throws for a technical foul.
DeKalb's Darius McNeal stepped to the line, and proceeded to purposely miss the shots, bouncing the ball several times on their way to the baseline.
McNeal's attempts were rewarded with a standing ovation from players and fans from both teams.
Franklin eventually scored 10 points as Milwaukee won comfortably. Afterwards, players from both teams went out for pizza together.
McNeal's take on his meaningful missed shots: "I did it for the guy who lost his mom ... it was the right thing to do."
How refreshing is it that a high school kid knows on his own it was the right thing to do.
There are several adults that need to take a lesson from this kid.
Well I had to cancel my trip to Ireland:

Waterford, makers of some of the world's most famous crystal (including the ball that drops on Times Square every New Year's Eve), closed its main factory in the town of Waterford, Ireland, on Jan. 30 -- apparently another victim of the global financial crisis.
The factory is one of Ireland's biggest tourist attractions, receiving 300,000 visitors last year alone.
I guess Ireland had bad mortgages which hurt their economy like our Government claims caused our problem.
Do you believe in miracles?

This is what really happened.
Due to the late shift tonight there will not be a new post tomorrow.
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